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Everything posted by tomthumb

  1. put another nest pan in for her mate make sure she got plenty of nest matererial or she,l pluck the chicks to make a nest and dont forget to put the cock in aswell that usualy helps
  2. havent sorry mate pm me your number and i can send you a pic tomorow
  3. hi all got a cracking siskin mule for sale with fancy mule cage pound im in south wales pm me for details thanks
  4. dont know how to put pics on but this bird is feather perfect guaranteed
  5. sibo goldy for sale proven muling bird £150 pm for details
  6. had it happen twice to me same pack neither terriers were killed but the hounds tried to take them out of my hands when i lifted them both ocasions i gave them a good shoeing needles to say i nolonger do terriers for them
  7. hi lads any one know of any wheaton x grey pups or wheton x grey xbull grey genuin replys only only intrested in theese crosses nothing else thanks pm if prefered
  8. wanted pair of norwich canarys or yellow cock curent year birds prefered but would consider older birds thanks south wales area
  9. hi mate you got a phone number pm me thanks
  10. can anyone get me post code for bridgewater bird sale on tomorow
  11. can anybody give me the post code for bridge water bird sale .and is it on tomorow? thanks
  12. 141/2 to the shoulder mate father and daughter in the pic they do me fine atb I was going to say nice examples,but nice does,nt exactly do for working terriers,are they 3/4 bred?. the bitch is 3/4 bred the father would be hardly nothing in him the blue bitch in the pics is the best ive ever scene she done 5 yrs hunt terrier service never failed they retired her lack of teeth theres not many good ones out there though atb coco thats my jacket and shovel hows old milly
  13. cant post pics pm me your mob no i'll send them to you
  14. goldfinch mule+ cage good singer £ south wales pm me for details
  15. goldfinch mules for sale in southwales good colours just started to sing all have been on finch note cd from the day they hached nice size nice size quality birds pm me for details
  16. thats not him mate this dogs front feet are all white thanks anyway
  17. i havent got any pics not my dogs posting for a friend but terrier dog is very distinctivly marked 2 front feet are white and white chest easily reconised dogs were taken from treocy rhondda come on boys we got to stop theese c**ts befor they strike again next time it could be anyone of us any information pm me no come backs guarenteed
  18. this is the second time first time they took a red lakland dog they will get caught eventualy when they do then then the fun can begin pics will be posted of the c**ts befor and after like a spot the diffrence competition winner gets to kick the scum in the nuts.ps if you can read this scum bag do the right thing return dogs to yard
  19. 2 dogs taken from my mates kennells last night smooth coated black terrier dog front feet are white so easily reconised also fawn and white lurcher bitch 23" high any info please pm me ps for the c**ts that stole them and the red dog last time youl get yours when we meet
  20. if he's never heard canary cock should be ok . all mules that i breed hear finch cd from day they hatch i leave it play on repeat 24 7 hope mule sings well for you
  21. hi waz unfortunatly your mule will not sing 100% finch note he needs to have heard it from day one otherwise he'll copy canary cock atb tombthumb
  22. thanks craig it's right on the end of beak
  23. hi all bred some cracking white varigated goldiemules this year unfortunatlt finch dameged 2 of them in the nest end of there beak is missing will it grow back ?
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