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Everything posted by pikey1989

  1. not bein funny mate but that is expected of any good lurcher.
  2. yeah all dogs get bite mate dont matter how good they are they get bit more if they are over hard tho i fink meself think a lurcher needs too be hard and get the job done quick as , get the job done quicker rather than messing bowt being bit, obv terriers can be a bit too hard. jmo
  3. I would breed from him if hes seen plenty of work, some bull xs at 2 year old have seen more work than others when their 5 but people would rather breed from the 5 year old. if hes good worker and you want a pup too bring on and got a good bitch too put him too breed him you dont know when an accident could happen too him.
  4. arthur is its dads uncles cousins half brothers sister
  5. were abouts are you mate? look at it a knw is it a dog am lookin for something too try and line my 9 week old bull x with.
  6. how many pups for a bottle of brandy?
  7. doesnt craig nuttalls lurchers have foxhound in them? could be wrong
  8. pm sent. give iz a ring il have a look at him in the morning
  9. thats good of you mate, hopefully there will be people on here too help out.
  10. LOL Had a laugh at that myself. FTB ha me too well worth a look at. weaponxkennels.com
  11. thought this was a joke at first but am not sure now ha
  12. That's a nice looking dog you've got. I'm keeping mine on lead and she watches her mum work. I will only be ferreting so not into the lamp but plenty of grown dogs are being injured and they know what they are doing. I think it would be better to give it some easy experience and give it time to mature. You're going to have the pup a long time so there's no rush. Best of luck whater you decide. that dog was started at 3 and a half months old does he look bad in any way hi malc1, when you say you STARTED your dog at 3 1/2 mths, started her doing what? lamping,ferreting? i started h
  13. That's a nice looking dog you've got. I'm keeping mine on lead and she watches her mum work. I will only be ferreting so not into the lamp but plenty of grown dogs are being injured and they know what they are doing. I think it would be better to give it some easy experience and give it time to mature. You're going to have the pup a long time so there's no rush. Best of luck whater you decide. that dog was started at 3 and a half months old does he look bad in any way hi malc1, when you say you STARTED your dog at 3 1/2 mths, started her doing what? lamping,ferreting? i started h
  14. That's a nice looking dog you've got. I'm keeping mine on lead and she watches her mum work. I will only be ferreting so not into the lamp but plenty of grown dogs are being injured and they know what they are doing. I think it would be better to give it some easy experience and give it time to mature. You're going to have the pup a long time so there's no rush. Best of luck whater you decide. that dog was started at 3 and a half months old does he look bad in any way hi malc1, when you say you STARTED your dog at 3 1/2 mths, started her doing what? lamping,ferreting? i started h
  15. ya taking a pup owt at 10 weeks old. are you all there?
  16. 1 dog 1 hare on the lamp isnt bad but in the snow it is just too easy.
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