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Everything posted by billyi45

  1. billyi45

    New pup

    Hi again guy havent Posted in a while but just thought id mention it ive just got another dog to add to the team a 1st cross beagle x springer only 2 months old just picked her up. Shes been called milly but im going to change it as i quite like the sound pepper for her. Pictures will follow soon when i get on my laptop not my phone. Anyone experienced this breeding before any advice or help Thanks Billy
  2. Cant find it any on here mate could you put a link up so i can get a look.
  3. Hi again everyone was just hoping to see some jack russel x whippets first cross or otherwise the ones ive seen look like great dogs and i cant understand why there isnt more about. Any pics please or some knowledge on the crosses tendencys. Thanks Billy Sorry is this is in the wrong place.
  4. I was planning on going do you know the date its on. Thanks Billy
  5. http://www.cabrin.co.uk/prods/232.html Any reveiws or opinions this isnt the website im going to use.
  6. Thanks alot have just been trying some tugging games with her she seems to enjoy it so hope im getting her started properly this time. Thanks Billy
  7. Also im thinking of changing her name because her pevious owner didnt have the same taste as me is she still young enough to do this? Thanks Billy
  8. Hi guys just thought id ask for some advice as ive just started training my pup shes 6 month old only had her a couple of weeks but shes really coming on exept with sheep but shes getting better. Anyway back to training i started getting her out to try and get her retreaving a ball but im having a unforseen peoblems. After a few good small distance throws she was doing well and bring it close to me then nudgeing it to me which i took as a good sign but she soon stopped this behaviour and lost interest in the ball and when i called her back she just drops the ball and runs to me( at least her r
  9. heres my 2 year old lurcher William
  10. Cant read your comment were are you from? Thanks Billy
  11. Hi guys i live locally and have 2 lurchers is this just turn up and enter im hoping to enter. Thanks Billy
  12. Hi im new to this so would just like to say hello to everyone and ask my first question Apart from yesterdays event does anyone know of any dog shows in cumbria eg lurcher and terrier events? Thanks Billy
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