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Everything posted by Darylbob

  1. just wondering if anyone has or knows anyone thats had this cross that could tell me a bit about em, any help would be appreciated cheers
  2. anyone know where i can find this film of dave platts?
  3. yeah im hoping hes gonna turn into an accomplished dog, hes keen ,ive noticed the difference in him since he had that rabbit he puts his nose down now an knows what hes lookin for , so im pretty happy with him at this stage folks
  4. anyone know of anyone whos had one and what theyre like?
  5. yeah hes doin good mate had his first rabbit about a month ago at about 9 month old only a young doe but a good experiance for him , didnt retrieve it , way too pleased with himself i think, retrieving has gone backwards in this last month or so hes gone back to bein daft and running around playing with it rather than retrieving it so ive gone back to basics using narrow places so theres nowhere he can run by me, oh yeah and he nailed a duck 2 week ago ! over the moon with that .
  6. not following lol am i just being numb ?
  7. hi folks just looking to find out if anyone on here has any of the litter that mine came from, just want to know how theyre getting on it was a litter from dave platts kennels sire was nobby lad (Greyhound), and the dam is witch (Deerhound)30th june 2010 was the date they were born. id really appreciate any feedback, Cheers
  8. nearly nabbed a crow few days ago had tail feathers in mouth sooo close to first catch! lol
  9. cheers mate ,he's 27 tts just turned 9 month old so bit of growing to do yet.
  10. its a bitch mate but thanks for the comment shes still a dog though Really good looking las they, sure are a real handful but an absolute joy to have, ive got an 8 month old dog 10 wks 8 months
  11. i bet he looks a bit different to the last time you saw him aye trev, i was looking for him a new collar today on the celtic hound collars site i was just about to order it and then read at the end that these collars are decorative and arent durable, so thats put me off those any suggestions? just want a smart looking collar for the lad.
  12. how did you find he was with training? the most difficult thing im finding is walking heel , when were behind another dog walking to heel goes out the window he just pulls and pulls does my nut, and another thing im having trouble with is whining when im out through the day he sleeps downstairs at night on his own fine in his crate but through the day hes different.
  13. Big lad aint he! what do you feed him a day?
  14. jesus hes a big lad aint he!, sometimes i forget how big mines gonna grow , an think oh shit what have i gone and let myself in for lol ,hes my first , got him from dave platt
  15. just found out yesterday my c**t of a landlord wants me to get rid of my pup doesnt say no pets on the tenancy agreemant or anything , so finding somewhere else to love put too much work into him to let him go..
  16. Cheers mate appreciate the feedback
  17. cracking lookin dog is that the dog you have now?
  18. Shes a sharp looking dog mate, similar colour to mine but hes got a white flash on the nose white chest and 4 white paws, lookin like hes gonna be a bit longer coated than that when hes older
  19. hahah im not that daft jonathon, i did plenty of studying , i just wanted to know what everyone elses thoughts were thats all
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