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Everything posted by Darylbob

  1. Any pics would be appreciated?
  2. Now then folks, been away from the field for a few yrs now (lal lad came along), an am wanting to get back into it, I've always been for the deerhound x' s still have a first x, he's just turned 8 an fit as a fiddle an keen as ever, but I'm looking to add a new pup, ummin an arrrin about a bullx like the 3/4 grey 1/4 Bull looks a good measure, but I don't know enough , thoughts?
  3. Sounds good how much for the gamekeeper?
  4. Any idea what brand the 150 is mate?
  5. The 100 might not be any good for me then the fields I'm in are fairly big, just gettin tired of lugging big ass battery about.
  6. What are the beams running on those lamps metre wise
  7. Evening gents, looking to buy a new lamp I've got a light force striker at the min but I'm looking for a lamp with a rechargeable built-in battery, is their anything out their decent for 40-50 quid?
  8. I have a 1/2 x and he certainly can run turns very well too I have a 1/2 x and he certainly can run turns very well too I have a Toyota hilux that runs and turns well.Top marks for imagination there muckay
  9. Derek you have enlightened me after 5 yr I wondered why the damn dog never caught a thing I thought it was just folklore that these dogs caught anything. I'm definatly gonna get one of those bull wheaten whippets I'm sure they could outstrip them for straight line speed too
  10. They're are a few true working strains out their they wouldn't be anymore different to the show dogs if they had 2 heads, but everybody has there own preferences in what they want in they're dogs an I know there's a lot of deerhound bashers around, cause they've seen there mates mates mate running one or whatever, an they were running in treacle but maybe that's because people breed off any old tosh, an working deerhounds are hard to come by?
  11. Well ive a 5 yr old 1st cross here an he does everything an more than i want will tackle anything, Couldn't touch anything else morton I'm a deerhound man, either a pure working deerhound or a 1st cross dh gh, the grey blood takes them back closer to what the deerhound was like originally, guess I'm just set in my ways mate
  12. Cheers mate he's a 1st cross dh gh out of dave platts kennels, he is a worker bit missed out last season as our lal lad was born but we'll be out this time round
  13. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2899509/Horrific-truth-greyhound-breeding-Man-s-best-friend-TORTURED-cigarette-burns-acid-dumped-die-tunnels-hung-trees-left-broken-bones-starve-death-Spain.html
  14. Anyone know how to put pics up I'm on my phone an it's not giving me an option to attach a picture
  15. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2006/jan/01/spain.animalwelfare
  16. Good effort old lad hope she turns into a good worker for ya, what's she got in her? Bit off topic but Have any of you lads heard what's going on in Spain with what they're doing to their dogs?
  17. Good effort old lad hope she turns into a good worker for ya, what's she got in her? Bit off topic but Have any of you lads heard what's going on in Spain with what they're doing to their dogs?
  18. Dissapointing poach sometimes they're just not in the mood eh, so are you still after a pup then? Do you know if he still has witch studog?
  19. I did have his number a while back as I've got a dog from his line, could do with his number, I've heard good things about cooklands line too, really want a bitch for next season ?
  20. Evening gents anybody know of any good 1st X pups about or any in the pipe line?
  21. Evening gents anybody know of any good 1st X pups about or any in the pipe line?
  22. Just wondering if anyone Can tell me a bit about beddie x whippets that' knows the cross, temperament etc, as I'm thinking of getting a smaller more versatile dog than I have at the minute,
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