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Everything posted by Alanl50

  1. Rather than be upset or angry why dont you actually ask to speak to your FEO in person and put your case and vent your frustration calmly and politely having all the relevent documents, permissions etc, even confirmations of the species you require the particular calibre for from the landowner or agent to hand as proof, if you have ticked all the boxes and providing you have good reason they will find it hard to refuse. Are you a member of BASC ring them for advice on your situation if your getting no where. Alan
  2. Hi This was my last good day I shot 78 for shots and picked up 76 over barley stubble I was really pleased as it was my first trip out with my new Winchester SX3, 24/07/10. Alan
  3. Hi everyone I just found this site, Im new to here but not shooting I have been shooting all my life and love every aspect of shooting, pigeons, rabbits, game etc, theres something about each season that I love with each change it brings different challenges. Thanks Alan
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