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Ditch Walker

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About Ditch Walker

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    The Flat Lands.

About Me

Hi,Not a lot to say really have had a few running dogs over the years but have always had more to do with terriers,love the digging with that booming roar coming up thru the ground.But there has not quite been as much baying over the last couple of seasons dogs have got a tad to hard.Ive whipped into a Minkhound pack also do terriers for them.

Have been around ferrets since a very young age,dad had them and he also shot but he was never really into the hunting.Ive not had any myself for a few years now.

Used to really enjoy the coursing,the Anglia cup was my fav.

Also like a good shamo cock,but they are not what they were a few years ago.

Well hope all your runs have a few turns in them and all your digs be deep ones.

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