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About IRHunger

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  1. Much appreciated, lots to consider. Phantom, you say you strip your rifle. Is this eventually something I'll have to give a go, because it seems a bit daunting opening up a rifle?
  2. Quality, how long have you been shooting for? I'm finding hitting targets consistently at 30m quite difficult. Do you tend to hit all your targets in the head? Will you always aim for the head in all situations? Nice shooting,
  3. Got a new rifle recently and was recieving some advice on an earlier thread which is gone now, but perhaps someone could shed some light. What does 'putting a tin through it' mean? Should you store your rifle in a case when not being used or only when being trasported? (something to do with moisture or somthing?) Do rifles need to be 'broken in' for want of a better term? Gun oil? for what? the barrel or the stock? both? Any advice for a newb appreciated.
  4. No problem whatsoever guys, Once again thanks for the welcome.
  5. It's a .22. Ive put about 200 pellets through it so far. Mainly target practice. Could you explain pulling the barrel through? Maz
  6. Been shooting for only a few months now, a friend of mine has a (very) large garden in Cheshire, quite a few wood pigeons knocking around, but its mainly target practice at about 40m for now. Really looking to get permission on a farm, but from what I've read its not the easiest thing in the world to do.
  7. Hiya Bill, Cheers for the welcome. As I'm new I spent a bit of time reading up on what would be a decent starter rifle, so I picked up an Hatsan Model 60, with a 4x40 Nikko Sterling. Decent price for what I'm told is a decent rifle. As time goes on, and as my wallet allows I'll want to move up to a PCP rifle.
  8. Clearly designed to cause grief? I think its interesting that a genuine poster can't pose a genuine question without being labelled a troll. Or a trouble maker. Why then have you come on to an airgun forum and ask what we think about racism? Alright Andy, The reason I asked was because I have a great passion for going out and hunting, I do it with my mates for fun and its also something I'd like to take more seriously. I found this forum, which appeared to be exactly what I was looking for, a community of what appeared to be like minded people who share an interest,
  9. Just wondering, why my thread was pulled? I have genuine reasons for starting that thread, and there was no malicious intent whatsoever. I'm a genuine poster albeit a new one, who regulary enjoys hunting. I appreciate that perhaps the thread was off topic in relation to the section it was posted in, but as I only ever frequent this section I suppose I was only after a cross section of the opinions on this site. I'd like to understand the reasoning behind it, as no rules were broken.
  10. Clearly designed to cause grief? I think its interesting that a genuine poster can't pose a genuine question without being labelled a troll. Or a trouble maker.
  11. Hunting life T-shirts and accessories?

  12. Hi there, New member to the forums, however been a browser for a while. Im 23 years old, and a Quantity Surveyor. About 3 months ago I was sat in a friends garden, I shot a wood pigeon from about 25 yards without a scope with his cheap chinese rifle. The shot went through the birds neck, yet it was still alive. I was given instructions on how to quickly finish the job (which I did) and eventually went on to eat the pigeon. That was the hook for me, and since then there has been this burning desire to get out and do a lot more of the same. 3 months on, just bought my first f
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