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Everything posted by Butler

  1. You carry it well wouldn't put you much over 20...... lol little P fury your family will never be more than chancers and thieves.....
  2. They will find away if possible to be together its the nature of them..... Also make sure any partition is a good 18" below ground they can dig like badgers.........
  3. When them tanalized boards shrink they will have 1/8 inch gaps..... And when a cock is on top of the kennel near the wire the bird in the other pen can see him and get to him.... I have had birds ruin themselves through a nail hole in a tin sheet it doesn't take a lot ..
  4. Your going to have trouble with pen fights with the design of them pens fella....... They look well made but poorly thought out.
  5. If egg laying is high on your list I would go with leghorn bantams or Hampshire reds. Both lay very well and aren't as prone to going broody as most other bantams are.....
  6. I always thought rampuri to be small 4-5lb asil..
  7. Trappers all over the world "Tweek" new traps to improve the catch rate............... I wouldn't be in any rush to bring out a catch 100% off the shelf trap ok if your making the traps you will make some money but mole catches would soon loose work as any one could sort there own problem out with the wonder trap......
  8. If you let pykey scum on your yard its your own fault you loose fowl no good crying about it after it has happened...............
  9. OTT what is smart arse about what I wrote???? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to work out what you and "your crew" are up to..............
  10. It was only a matter of time................................
  11. Socks I'm not disagreeing with you on what ate your mole because it happens on a regular basis... But I catch moles for a parrot breeder out of his aviaries and the reason he wants them gone is to stop rats gaining access using their runs....... So rats can and do use mole tunnels..
  12. It is the best advice for any new keeper of fowl trust me.. The only people it seems to offend is the very people you need to keep well away from.. Yes to a beginner these sort of people are very appealing because they will talk chicken with you and let you in but BEWARE!!! Much better to keep a low profile and earn the respect of good honest decent men IMO.......
  13. Stay away from Caravan Utilizing Nomadic Travelers S Yes we know 99% of them aren't chicken stealing scum..................................... But 99.9999999% of chicken thieves are dyke shitters..
  14. Looking for some decent stop nets or a quick set long net. PM with details.
  15. They are "layed out" a hen has only so many eggs in her and when their gone their gone.....
  16. Went out a few seasons back gate netting hares at night with a friend's healer cross. The dog really knew its job walked to heal until he was sent to work the field and respected netted game.
  17. I have had two doubles out of the same set of hills before now so one trap wouldn't of got the job done. But i will stick the odd trap in an old run or set of hills just on the off chance of a catch. But as a rule it's two traps for every mole, works for me as i'm sure other peoples methods work for them.
  18. I always put two traps per mole no one is perfect and you will get a trap filled from time to time............. It is much more cost affective to catch him on your first check rather than having to set a fresh trap and make a second visit. Most of my mole work is on foot and on good ground i average 15-20 traps per hour so thats fast enough imo.
  19. Not really just common sense but its not that common anymore it would seem.................................................... With you complaining about sore hands i thought you could do with the tip.
  20. Wear gloves when doing them saves your hands trust me.
  21. You boys that use knee pads can't be doing much walking in them.........
  22. Butler


    Not a bad lad at all but boy is he an ugly mother lol..........................
  23. You can get 50 tunnel traps in a postman's sack but I'm guessing its the weight that will be the problem.
  24. Neck shot every time no run on after that or take a dog.
  25. Was a great day as always the weather just made it that little bit better............................ The pics are great and i loved them the first time but did some silly twat really need to quote the full lot again just to say nice pics lol good old THL..................................................
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