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Everything posted by Butler

  1. I think all from this area know who you mean mate......B C is a proper character. Served my apprenticeship with the "CAT" and as someone else off here would say it was emotional
  2. Scout was 28" and 70lb fit i saw this dog run many times and he was pure class. Would love to own a dog in the same league as him
  3. If you keep putting good little bayer to good little bayer you end up with wafflers IMO.
  4. One that could do the job and be shouted out... would be handy. Oneredtrim. IMO a dog like that is a good tool to have in any team of dogs. Not everyones cup of tea but i wouldn't be without mine she gets the most graft out of any dog me or my mates own
  5. Looking good mate he is a credit to you
  6. Clucker is a dog dealer mate so the breeding might not be what youv'e been told it is. I have seen Niamh work and to tell the truth didn't like what i saw she was iron hard for ten minutes then out she came.
  7. The right age is when they are ready like you said all dogs are diffrent. But once they start i like to give them plenty of graft i wont ever work a dog saw but as soon as they are healed they go straight back in. Most lads i know work there young stuff like this and it seems to turn out a good dog as the end result. But if the dogs are not made from the right stuff in the first place they can be found out pretty quickly this way.
  8. Are you right in your f*****g head mate? The dog is learning it's trade and getting bit is an occuaptional hazard, not unecessary by any stretch of the imagination! He'll get alot worse when he's bang at it! I would like to hear your ideas on how to bring on a young dog and what dogs you actually have etc. (NONE methinks ) Can someone not delete this clown's account????????? Sorry folks but comments from people like this wanker really piss me off Poacher - well done mate, a cracking day out by all accounts and well within the law, keep it up mate!! Your probably righ
  9. The state the dogs muzzle is in does not bother me one bit and yes i have seen worse alot worse. But my argument is with the dog taking pain unnecessarily or can't any of you see that. What has been gained by getting him chewed why not take him to an earth and let him do the job from start to finish.
  10. You will probably find genuine terrier men don't post pics cos there not stupid enough too.
  11. Must just be me then that thinks more of my dog than to get it chewed up unnecessarily. But that aside what you have done is now illegal under the new laws. Your quarry must be humanly dispatched at the earliest opportunity not baited with every dog on the dig It is hard enough working our dogs under these new laws with out people openly admitting to breaking them on a web site. Remember it is just a loop hole that is keeping us legal one that can be closed at any time by our anti hunting government. One last thing causing unnecessary suffering carries a jail term and a dog ban so if you valu
  12. YEAH......................................Anti knob head. Why get a young dog a face full in a hole end if you can give me a good reason for it i will apologize.
  13. Looks like you gave that black&tan a little bit more than a look
  14. Your dog must not get out much if he was tired after just a few runs :11: The places we lamp usually have plenty of game about not really worth going other wise But at the end of the day your entitled to your opinion and if you can't believe it tough i wont lose any sleep over it :whistle:
  15. Best we ever had was 83 with 3 dogs in just under 2 hours . Had 25-35 with one dog quiet a few times.
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