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Everything posted by Butler

  1. But what has the most stamina a saluki X or a Mishaw dog Stand well back
  2. Not having a dig at you masterhunter but you can take most of what old pat has to say with 2 large pinches of salt
  3. Less than 24 hours old and up for sale Must be top quality tykes these get them snapped up lads
  4. Makes a change someone else taking a tumble it's usually Col tripping on toads
  5. Why Can't it be done now?? Why doe's everyone seem to think dogs from " back in the day" were better that dogs now just look at hare dogs for example back in the 70- and even the early 90 3 out of 3 was the bench mark. But today you need to be killing 5 or 6 to call it a good dog. I think peoples understanding of diets and conditioning are better today than back then the only reason not as many lads are doing the ton these days is what do you do with 100 dogged rabbits??
  6. Just pick up the phone and dial this number Had a night out with a keeper last week Trigger did well tracking
  7. My favorite mammal would be the roe but my favorite bird is the hawfinch
  8. Them tyres were awsome but at £2500 each a bit out of most peoples league
  9. All my youngsters see and chase rabbits when they are out for a walk and if they are really lucky they might catch one I don't think it does them any harm it has them using there noses. If you have to dig a dog out from an occupied earth and it has gone to a rabbit no amount of keeping it off them as a pup would help, the blood just ain't no good IMO.
  10. For a dog to take 100 rabbits in one night IMO the dog must be kept just for that job. Alot of lurchers that are used on big stuff alot seem to sicken of chasing bunnies after about 30 or 40 and you think they are tired when they start to miss rabbits. But put somthing diffrent in the beam and you will see how tired they are I have no doubt in my mind that 100 rabbits in one night is possible and just because theres nobody on the net thats done in recently. Doesn't mean it's not getting done every season somwere The best i have done was 83 in two hours but that was with 3 dogs we took 216 r
  11. I thought it was a poor cock bird it was the cap that fooled me
  12. Hidi was dancers sister not blondies!
  13. Ditch i have bred quit a few mutation birds and there egg shells have always been the same color as there normal counterparts. IMO the white birds in question are crows not ravens wouldn't be the first time the papers got it wrong
  14. Nice to see the little lad out and getting stuck into his pork and apple
  15. I would like to see a pic of that tree creepers other leg Why ....... ? Just a fetish i have
  16. I would like to see a pic of that tree creepers other leg
  17. Anyone know were i can buy Eprinex from without having to own a heard of cows :whistle:
  18. Got a couple like that i made it myself just bought two good quality collars and customized them
  19. Millet drunk is a sight to be seen i'll tell you Last time i saw him in a state it took him 2 hours to walk 300yds back to the caravan with his coat on inside out what a night it was though
  20. When i saw the title of this post i thought Millet must of popped the question
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