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Everything posted by Butler

  1. Put these in them they stop unwelcome visitors
  2. I like them they get a bit heavy when wet, but keep the rain and wind out.
  3. More chance of a Labour MP jumping on the shovel than Mr B.................
  4. I wouldn't pose for them shots
  5. Was a good little dig mate not that you would know anything about digging you shovel shy twat
  6. Nice vid mate good to see another one of the kids on her way to making the grade
  7. You must have good stuff if hunts are after them
  8. I've seen dogs that look like world beaters at 18mths but have been pts as quitters by the time they were 3. So how you can say you know by 16mths if they are worth breeding from beats me But on the other hand some of the best terriers to enter a hole in the ground haven't started till 2 or 3 and maybe the odd one even later
  9. When was the last time you saw a brancher in feb Ditch ?????
  10. what ever suites you fella, you must be easy pleased. Is that a saluki bred dog in your picture? Yes he was a saluki blooded dog probably the best single handed deer dog i've ever owned or seen run. As for your other comment i would say the dogs i run please me easily but i'm not easily pleased
  11. Must of been watching the wrong ones imo, for daytime work you won't beat a dog with a good percentage of saluki blood.
  12. Judging by your statement you ain't seen to many saluki blooded dogs run
  13. I know of a KC border that has had 1or2 foxes
  14. Would love to see those little dogs go sometime
  15. Think you boys will get a shock this year heard on the grape vine alot of the permission has been lost. An all the game has been shot
  16. Black islanders do a good boot a friend of mine has just got a pair they are made from a new fabric that is very hard wearing and low maintenance just what you want in a hunting boot. www.blackislander.co.uk
  17. If you do a days work you deserve a days pay no mater how old you are . It's £40 a day were i go wether your 12 or 60
  18. I use Musto country trousers wear them most days either for beating or digging and they are A1 they cost around £90. Might get myself a pair of Harkila trousers for christmas they are about £160 a pair but are guaranteed for 5 years so not that bad.
  19. Never used Nuv's dog don't know the lad She has produced a few workers from border x border matings but most of the pups went to pet homes as alot of people don't want to give a border the chance to work The only pup i kept back from her died before i had chance to work it but i will line her again this summer and keep a pup back cos the little bitch ain't getting any younger. The dog i'm using is a really good dog as good as alot of black dogs so fingers crossed should get something worth while out of the mating.
  20. Well done mate, you don't get many that easy in a season but its nice when you do
  21. She got the name a good few years back cos you can shout her out she ain't a real digging dog just a comedy one But she has accounted for more quarry than alot of dogs because of her working style She will be out again tomorrow, Sunday and probably Monday to, can't do that with alot of REAL dogs She isn't from any famous lines just got her and her sister from a lad who kept and worked borders from a little village in Durham. The young dog dutch has bolted a fox from a pisser of a place but as of yet hasn't been dug to but his time will come very soon
  22. IMO it can be done but like some people have already said you need more than a bit of luck on your side.
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