The dog Tailor is around 25" and the bitches are 24" ish they are 6 1/2 mths. I think Tailor will make tiggers size while the bitches around the 26" mark.
Got a few heat lamps for sale they are a bit knocked about but still do their job fine some have bulbs some don't i want £5 each for them pm if intrested.
I'm in the north east.
We once dug a red legged partridge with a young dog he worked it nice and steady baying till we broke through A mate of mine dug 6ft to a shell duck and we also dug 13ft to a feral cat
You can't beat leghorns the many hybrid strains of red hen might lay more in the first year but they don't have as long a laying career. Plus i've never known a leg horn (large fowl) go broody so eggs all year round.
They are my first choice also but as you probably know they aren't the best of layers this time of year She is only in there as she can't be penned with any other hens at the minute (even stags) but she grew up with the leg horns and tolerates them
@ dogs-n-natives
They pump the eggs out i only have a quartet but get three eggs every day they out lay most of the red hen strains i have seen.