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Everything posted by Butler

  1. Dogs are looking well mate, you will have to get through in the next week or two before we pack in for the season.
  2. The litter had 8 in it but only 7 were reared and homed.
  3. Here is a pick for those that have asked this is one of the ones i use.
  4. The dog Tailor is around 25" and the bitches are 24" ish they are 6 1/2 mths. I think Tailor will make tiggers size while the bitches around the 26" mark.
  5. Got a few heat lamps for sale they are a bit knocked about but still do their job fine some have bulbs some don't i want £5 each for them pm if intrested. I'm in the north east.
  6. Not a bad car just the driver is a bit dodgy Oh and it runs on a bit of cherry no bother
  7. They are Saluki based lurchers with a dash of deerhound for good measure
  8. Had them out the other day they are mad They are all bigger than Penny with plenty of growing left to do Left to right Penny,Tailor,Molly and Cilla.
  9. Nice bag mate did you use the "BOOM" stick or the pea shooter?
  10. I use the dettol spray but make sure its the clear one that is safe to use round food and inside your fridge
  11. We once dug a red legged partridge with a young dog he worked it nice and steady baying till we broke through A mate of mine dug 6ft to a shell duck and we also dug 13ft to a feral cat
  12. You can't beat leghorns the many hybrid strains of red hen might lay more in the first year but they don't have as long a laying career. Plus i've never known a leg horn (large fowl) go broody so eggs all year round.
  13. After shooting the fox you should of re loaded and shot the dogs no point in wasting a good hole.
  14. Two of this years youngsters
  15. They are my first choice also but as you probably know they aren't the best of layers this time of year She is only in there as she can't be penned with any other hens at the minute (even stags) but she grew up with the leg horns and tolerates them @ dogs-n-natives They pump the eggs out i only have a quartet but get three eggs every day they out lay most of the red hen strains i have seen.
  16. Don't be to quick to get rid of the 12g david you know they are the only shotgun you can shoot stuff with. Them crappy 410's are only good for rats
  17. Butler


    she is a he by the looks of things
  18. Got a few here for large fowl if your intrested drop me a pm.
  19. Get yourself a good marking dog would save alot of netting up
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