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Everything posted by Butler

  1. Maybe that's because you can't educate pork .............................Good look with your packs of wild hounds
  2. Yes they may have been rejected track dogs but that decision wasn't mine at the time. IMO why go back and breed in faults from a pure that would take many years to breed back out, to use a pure would be a step backwards with these dogs i feel. I have seen some cracking first cross and 3/4 bred dogs over the years but these matings have also produced the most wastage as well. Worker to worker all the way for me i'll let others gamble with first X's and maybe take advantage of there hard work further down the line
  3. That may be so but the dogs we own have been tested hard and proven worth taking a litter from. What Moo is trying to say i think is why take the chance breeding from untested stock and in many cases from dogs that have failed in there chosen field.If i was ever to use a pure hound it would be one that was top of it's game no matter the cost.
  4. When you say dam 3/4 deergrey, do you mean 3/4 deerhound 1/4 greyhound or vice versa,and you state that the sire is Saluki type, how much greyhound was there in this saluki type? I bred and owned the sire to Moo's dog tigger He was a saluki based lurcher bred from saluki based lurchers. Probably not a man left in the game that could tell you the last time a "pure" sighthound was bred in to the line. They seem to be going just fine at the minute don't think i will be adding any straight blood for along time to come.
  5. Get some creosote on that fence you tight git lol.
  6. My advice for what it's worth would be if you want a smallish (less than 50 eggs) incubator get a still air one much kinder to the eggs. The brinsea polyhatch is about as good as you will find for it's price and size. As jasper has already said you can pretty much forget about adding water to a bator in the UK it isn't needed IMO.
  7. Chalky i couldn't agree more if you want to make a profit out of the deer job stay away from the big fella's. I must say though that i have been known from time to time to get Buck/Stag fever but we all need a challenge from time to time
  8. Charp's is on the whisky again i see
  9. Well this has been a decent thread for a change No doubt a few of us will meet up in a pub or beer tent over the closed season and put this all to rights once more
  10. Use a postman's bag/sack each one holds 35-40 duffus traps comfortably and you will never loose it
  11. Fallow are one of the slower species.
  12. Why cant a truely hard dog not be tested ? Because IMO to fully test a dog it needs to be used in many different earths and situations many times a season. Hard dogs can't be tested as they are sat in the kennel when they should be getting dug. Like i have already said i think many people are getting a hard dog and a rough dog mixed up they are not the same animal.
  13. why cant you ? That question should answer itself really but here goes. Most "hard" dogs will quit if they have to do any real time to ground FACT. When selecting two dogs to breed you are looking for the best available to you so why use one that has a fault and to me dull hardness is as much a fault in a digging dog as walking off. Now peoples views on a hard dog are different, i have had the misfortune of seeing and trying to put back together a couple of truly stupid hard dogs and hope i don't have to do it again. Now a rough dog is totally different and i think that is what alot of
  14. You can not fully test a truely hard dog so why do so many value them as brood stock????
  15. Places where hard dogs are needed, I would take hard dog or a bayer as long as they stay till the job is done, and as said before, stuff that dosnt want to be dug will not be dug with a bayer. If I had the chance to pick how a dog worked it would be one that bayed but would always be willing to put in that wee bit extra when needed, I wouldnt call that a bayer though You are wrong.............. seen many an undiggable beast be tamed by a good strong bayer. Just because a dog shows his quarry respect does not mean he is soft he just knows how to work properly. Dogs that let stuff past
  16. Places where hard dogs are needed, I would take hard dog or a bayer as long as they stay till the job is done, and as said before, stuff that dosnt want to be dug will not be dug with a bayer. If I had the chance to pick how a dog worked it would be one that bayed but would always be willing to put in that wee bit extra when needed, I wouldnt call that a bayer though You are wrong.............. seen many an undiggable beast be tamed by a good strong bayer. Just because a dog shows his quarry respect does not mean he is soft he just knows how to work properly. Dogs that let stuff past
  17. got to agree with you p3d put the soil above you on a steep bank and your askin for trouble personally when on a steep slope we norm put the soil on the sides of the dig and below us, depending on the deapth of the dig you know how far to sling it back So you fellas know what way the dog is facing before you start to dig then???????????????? Always put the spoil up hill or if on a very steep bank either side to save as much as possible for the backfill and to make doing so alot easier. On a deep dig (lot's of spoil) we use logs as shuttering to hold the spoil back.
  18. i try to as much as possible but ive ran out of things to tellthe girlfreinds mother when i bring him back she has him you see but hes always out with us and keen to be in we had him in at 8ft few weeks back broke through to find quary brown bread and him just laid next to it lol he been in about 6 hours aswell as we couldnt start digging till it got dark Sounds like you need to send him to me lol
  19. Weldone lads keep at them....................allrounder you still digging to that red dog???
  20. You keep your fowl in very poor conditions i wouldn't be in a rush to post them pics
  21. Good going mate thought you had died or something will have to have a catch up soon
  22. The more graft a dog see's the better it should get. They don't learn anything sat at home in a kennel. Hope she shines for you mate i have a big soft spot for borders.
  23. Welldone on your stalk fella but i believe you were given the wrong advice by your host on taking the adult doe. If she was a strong animal with two strong followers she and them should of been left alone but that's just my opinion.
  24. Surely a few privet wands would be better than a pocket of stones??????????????????????????
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