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Everything posted by Mudcat

  1. Does anyone know who made the ones in the USA? Mark
  2. I dig with many of the jrtca folk over here and I will ask about his dogs and get back with you. Some of them dug with him I believe. Mark
  3. Nice write up HG! Enjoyed seeing the pics of the 11' dig as well! Mudcat
  4. Good job! Nice little spade! Mudcat
  5. Sorry to hear abour your loss. Hope the prospects turn out as well as he did for you. Mark
  6. "As I looked down as my Russel ran past me into the street, It had on a baby grow and a woolly bonnet, My little sister had spent the last hour playing with her?" Do not judge a book by its cover! NIce one mate. Mark
  7. Sorry for your loss. It is always the good one that you lose. Mudcat
  8. Hate to hear that Mate. Sounds like little Jet might have been a good prospect. Mudcat
  9. Anyone know what frequency the LRT operates on? Mudcat
  10. Talk with Stuntman on here, he can advise you I believe. Mudcat
  11. Yep, he is Erik! I will see if I can provide a little exercise for him! lol
  12. Yep, he is a great digging partner! Speck is coming up this weekend for a dig so maybe we can get on another big one. Johnathon's little Scorn female really looked nice. She showed real good drive in the ground and had good hunt drive as well. Mudcat
  13. They are not considered fluffy any longer when they start gobbling up your garden. I had a lady who would not let me dig on her property. She planted a garden and the chucks feasted on it! I seen what they were doing, so gave her a call and she said, get em I am tired of them groundhogs! Mudcat
  14. I got out Saturday for some digging with my buddy Johnathon from Louisiana. I saved a sweet spot for him as he wanted to get his small pitt/pat female named Scorn some work. First sett we checked she went in like a flash and pushed the big hog in the pic to the mouth of a bolt hole that our buddy Ben was blocking. He kept if from coming out and Scorn held her ground so all we had to do was tail the big rascal out and it was over. Did not even have to put a shovel to the ground. Nice start. Next sett was a hot one as well! Scorn was in and on after some searching as their was several exit holes
  15. Good job! What line of Russells do you work? Mudcat
  16. Thanks for the replies. In our tight setts over here in the states, the collar always seems to work underneath the dogs neck or the terrrier lays on its side and the B&F box I have always come down the side of the tube. Best regards, Mudcat
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