I’ve got a trip to Orkney booked in May. Northern Ireland in June and then heading to Isles of Scilly in September. Oh, and a trip to Exeter for THL fishing comp! Might get a last min flight abroad over the summer but wait and see.
Just seen this article. Not sure what’s going on with it but thought I’d share
On the hunt for the Hampshire hare killers
With a helicopter thrumming on the horizon, Philip Wilkinson, a craggy former special forces operative...
Depends on the group and it’s a worry making sure you can find a venue that will suit the weather, especially with beginners. Takes a day either side sorting equipment and then you got 6 pissy wetsuits to contend with . It only fills 3 months or so of the year with trips here and there. Rest of the time I’m on the tools.
Great cross for a bit of bushing. Mine isn’t a first cross and is a mixture of different terries and spaniels. 3/8 5/8. Looks more towards a patterdale though. He will push anything out of cover and ferrets too. I’d definitely get another. Touch wood he’s never dropped in. Had him around holes a lot as a pup and I think if I hadn’t have stopped him then he would go to ground.
Do you have much luck on the coastline FP? We’ve been seeing a fair bit. Tend to send the bushers down on the slopes and try keep the runners at the top.