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About ryno

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 18/10/1976

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    rabbits and rats all methods but nothing finer than a drizzly windy night on the lamp.also a keen pigeon fancier

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  1. Super glue it together matey, make sure to leave a quater of it open for any weepage
  2. Top tip boys...go to your local garden center and tell them that your rose beds are covered in flies and mites and they,ll sale you old fashioned duramitex, not that new harkamitex shite. It's duramitex but bottled under a different name. All the best ryan
  3. Talcombe powder will stop him licking it ......dry as f&£k will also dry the wound ,cheers
  4. Local cattle farmer can give/sale some cream especially for the job, can't remember the name of it!! All the best
  5. as socks said he, hes wormed her in correctly but i seriously doubt thats the reason she had no pups!! just because dogs tie together, thats no guarentee for pups. has the bitch had pups before?. has the dog sired a litter before? ............to be fair panacur is the least harsh wormer in my opinion. you an even give orally to the pups after 2 weeks of age, all the best ryan
  6. if the anti histemenes dont work, try bathing every other day for a week with hibiscrub!, its brilliant gear. atb ryan
  7. does anyone on here still mooch with veteran dogs?,we tend to keep our dogs till they die,so inevetebly work some old dogs.it amazes me to watch!. as the pace slows down so the brain works faster. my dad has a 14 year old coursing whippet a very handy allrounder in his day, now he picks and chooses his runs. whilst out last week my young lurcher bitch was up a bunnies ass that had been flushed from the cover..the whippet trotted behind until she put in a really good turn and he picked it up.another example was an old collie wippet grey we bred called chaz once he realised that his pace was gon
  8. not a wind up mate, it really works...ask a vet online. its a really good eye ointment, top pigeon flying boys use tea bags to cure one eye colds fact, i'm honestly trying to help mate, not wind you up. all the best ryan
  9. allow a used tea bag to cool,obviously remove it before the milk goes in the cup, and clean the dogs eye three times a day. it works everytime . i hope this helps all the best ryan
  10. hi bird, i have a theory on this..but just a theory..,you are the pack leader and whilst on the lead you are in total control.they wont drink in case you the pack leader wants to drink. the kennel is their teritory,i bet the top dog always drinks first after lead removal. i might test this next walk by trying my hand in the water, take it out and see if they drink. i'll either be right or make myself look a c#nt..probably the latter lol, cheers ryno
  11. off the top of my head, you could try myering the end of the dogs tail in vaseline. (might cusion the blows) just a thought all the best
  12. even if it is a diet problem you need to keep them scabs clear of infection. the best stuff is obtainable at the chemist and is for scabbies, i cant remember what its called but its a bit like calomine lotion
  13. watkins and tasker of nailsea will dock,you need a shotgun licence or written permo from a land owner \keeper, sorry i dont have the number but google it and im sure youll find it atb ryan
  14. there is nothing better for this problem than non perfumed baby talcombe powder,they only lick it once....its as dry as f=@ck ,also dries the wound to aid healing atb ryan
  15. the best advice i can give is for the first month try and form a really good bond,lead work only,and once she loves you it makes training a thousand times easier,once shes sitting to the whistle and recalling to the whistle in the garden,then move on .but i find bonding with them first massively important.even if i bought a fully trained dog i would still follow the above,we all blow the whistle differently and if they dont know what you want its not their faught and obviously you cant correct them,to a dog things are black or white with nothing in between.i hope this helps all the best ryan
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