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Everything posted by Bartlby37

  1. That doesn't surprise me Bert - all retail seems that way now. Very small margins and ever increasing overheads and the whole world wants what you've got for as near to free as they can get it - I'm no different when I'm doing the buying. A little while back I was looking into opening a shop - came to the conclusion that the only way to make money with a shop was to be renting it to someone else.
  2. Makes sense - I guess what I was wondering was whether one would pick a different type of collie to cross with a whippet than you'd cross with a greyhound? I see your point you know, the whippet is wiry enough, might you go for one with a bit more bulk about it? I don't know - I was thinking more about height than bulk. I think if I was going to breed this cross I'd look for fairly tall coursing whippet and a leggy collie. Kind of academic as I'm not going to be breeding any dogs any time soon and its more likely I'd buy a 1st cross bitch and breed a 2nd cross from her.
  3. if i was going to breed a lurcher useing collie blood i'd go for a hill collie, light bone but wirey and highly intelligent and agile, handsome too.... Makes sense - I guess what I was wondering was whether one would pick a different type of collie to cross with a whippet than you'd cross with a greyhound?
  4. I've been thinking about this cross recently. In the past I've owned collie/greyhound crosses and a collie/saluki cross as well. I've actually been without a dog for a while, but now I'm getting another. I've gone for a whippet/terrier cross because I wanted something a dog I could go bushing and ferreting with but it also needed to be small as I travel a lot with work and want something I can take in the van with me. Anyway having not had a dog for a while, and having not really hunted for almost 10 years the prospect of getting a new dog has got me going again and thinking about more dogs.
  5. I haven't had ferrets for about the same amount of time - maybe 12 years. My very old lurcher died about 8 months ago. Now I've decided to get another dog - its got to be something quite small as some days work means I'm out the house for 12-14 hours, so the dog needs to come with me. I've found a Border terrier/Whippet cross which I should have towards the end of the month. Now I'm getting a dog again it seems only right to be getting some ferrets to go with it - fun fun fun. I've no ground to work right now but reckon I can get some without too much difficulty.
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