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mick c

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Everything posted by mick c

  1. loumic on here has a litter sister loumic put a pic of skye up
  2. grant the sire is the wheaton x
  3. nearly 24tts jumps retrieves and a very good recall
  4. watching the carp on top shes nearly 8months old collie bull grey x wheaton grey coming on a treat
  5. a collie bull greyhound does everything ive needed it to do
  6. bone radial twice a day for a few wks will do the job
  7. hes going to struggle with the klincko but he needs to put more effort in and hope he can do it
  8. how much ivermectin would you use to jab a terrier ?
  9. do you want chris meeks number a very good bone man lol lol
  10. good lad. on what ever you decide . you know whats right for you and the dog
  11. j dog if I was you I would try and keep the dog and the bond between you would be unreal . the dog would never forget what you have done .. good man
  12. loumic il try to get a pic of the pup I kept back on in the morning . high hopes for these pups in the future
  13. I had the same happen to me earlier this year. very sad news and its not nice for anyone . keep your chin up and remember the good times
  14. the breeder definitely took the wrong chances .
  15. my bitch has 10 stitches due to barbed wire happened last sunday
  16. oznblue where did you get the pup from? lm just wondering if its 1 of my pups I bred . there 6 months old on sunday .atb mick
  17. wasn't there any brindle pups in the litter I have heard there a lot faster lol
  18. galvanised kennel panels or decent large kennel . preferably midlands area , mick
  19. im not racist I hate them all equally
  20. cheers lads for that . ive rang the vets and taking her in for observation and will be in overnight . they say she may need flushing atb mick
  21. ive just got back home to find my lurcher pup has reach up onto the kitchen worktop and took a packet of ibuprofen painkillers i think there was about 5 or 6 tablets and the pup is eaten them . do i take to vets asap or just hope for the best ? does anyone know what effects this could do to the pup. cheers mick
  22. ive my collie bull grey out on the local shoot retrieving the pheasants every shoot day this winter and has been just as good as any of the spaniels and labs .
  23. im only in leicester mate if you fancy putting a few bits in front of your dogs atb mick
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