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Everything posted by coco

  1. As I’ve stated before how will you know if it’s an f1 because most bedlington terriers that work as a cross in them to start atb
  2. Hi mate that would be spencer from crosshands west wales there’s bull and deerhound in them you don’t get 26inch Beddys greys atb

    1. Flacko


      coco cheers mate atb Flacko 

  3. Cross keys nowhere near camathern mate the one is in Gwent the other west wales atb
  4. The statement is there are people working bedlington crosses to ground but that type of terrier would be no good for lurchers breeding because of the outcross it’s not rocket science people have used bedlington hybrids for earth work for years atb
  5. There are plenty of people working bedlington hybrids below ground the same as people prefer border x Lakeland border x Russel bull x Russell’s there all crossed for a reason size coat game ness but a bedlington x greyhound must be a pure bedlington x pure greyhound otherwise in your future breeding programme the offspring will get smaller because of the outcross blood on the bedlington atb dai
  6. If you think Rambo was a good dog then you should be happy with your lurchers atb
  7. If you don’t me asking what’s the kc kennel club name of your bedlington stud mate atb
  8. The only things lads I’ve had Beddys crosses for years lurchers plus terrier crosses if your looking for a real genuine f1 then the Beddys as to be a kc dog and there’s not many would work a kc dog to teeth after paying stupid money for him a standard kc dog should only stand at 15tts any bigger there’s a cross in his history there’s loads of working crosses out there and could be good studs but in there history make up there could be whippet border or Lakeland or fell there the most common outcross for the working Bedlington so be on your guard they may look bedlington but are they the real
  9. And obviously your not a rugby man too come to wales and look how many schools play rugby there would be an handful sad but very true the money and the import of players have ruined the game like it as your football team England have the largest pool of rugby players in the world and fund it too the max that’s why when the World Cup time comes and you loose coach is sacked because the expection by the rugby board demands more you fund English professional women’s rugby more than wales and Scotland and that’s my point you think you’d be able find at least 30 quality English based players than
  10. Yes as I’ve stated in a small population of player we’ve got to do it 4 pro rugby teams that’s all we have atb
  11. the Way you talking mate I don’t think your much of a rugby man player ex player or coach it’s a known fact that every other team in the world are not half funded like the england rfu so when any country beats you in a massive achievement you should be the best in the world by a long mile but as stated take the Tongan New Zealander’s South Africans out of your squads then you’d be an average team there plucking boys out of overseas academies to get them ready to play for England it’s sad really but that’s what money does to sport welsh rugby’s on its arse it’s been that way in a long while but
  12. It’s sad when a big country with all the resources and money’s come down to poaching players through residency I bet you could do that with your footie rugby league and your cricket lol poor old billy Beaumont ledgend of English it must be killing him to see a Tongan in his sons place atb
  13. Lads your missing the point you’ve brought these lads over put them in schools purposely to play rugby for England it’s a bloody known fact the vinapola brothers where playing there kids rugby in wales intill the English rugby unions offered them schooling in a private school called millfield school only if they signed up to play rugby for England lol atb not anti English at all why cheat when you have the population and rugby resources you have bloody Yorkshire’s bigger than wales ffs
  14. As you well know lads the game is won up front the backs determine by how many 5 south sea islanders in the square makes a big difference like having 5 Spaniards or French in your footie team lol atb
  15. There’s only one way England are going to Win trophy’s cup etc they’ve got to get imports in if it happened in football you’d be the best in that too lol atb
  16. Take the samoans out of the English pack theyed be below an average team there just bringing these young lads over given them schooling then getting them on residency sad for such a big rich populated country atb
  17. hi mate do you know any dogs still around direct out of Indy from trethomas

    1. coco


      Yes mate socks was out of my mates bull collie grey bitch I had a dog out of Indy to a Beddys grey bitch fantastic dog just asking cos a mate would like to keep the bull line going atb dai

    2. Daniel cain

      Daniel cain

      07896000932 try this number it's for young Chris,if no joy let me know and I pop down and knock the door for you.atb sean(Bobby dogs)

    3. coco


      Ok mate thanks

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  18. Hi mate would this bitch I have here be out of that bitch called Rosie atb 

    1. Foxpack 2

      Foxpack 2

      Properly from way back mate 

    2. coco


      It will be interesting to find out what’s actually in here I was told the mother of this bitch here was a pointer x greyhound x wheatonxgreyhound but I guess that’s not the full picture her brother billy as up there big white dog suppose to be some dog on the fell  that’s why I’d like to talk to billy before breeding thanks for helping dai my nbr 07794634513

    3. Foxpack 2

      Foxpack 2

      Maybe is all correct mate ,but years ago coco did breed a Pointer x grey to a bull x ,but as I say I don't really no what Billy has on these days ,as I don't know him that well ,but I'll try get you a number pal no probs 

  19. AB are still the best team in the world the strength in depth they have is huge we’re talking about Ireland having a purple patch here there good at this moment in time but things change quickly but in AB history it ain’t changed in 100 yrs we can all dream that us Wales Ireland Scotland England will beat them one day great but regular mmmmm I don’t think so they have a different mental edge to there game Ireland knew they were going to be in bits after this game that’s why they’ve opted for America this week I wouldn’t fancy there chances this week if they were to play SA australia or Englan
  20. The all blacks have had a long season what if Ireland played in the six nations then fly them straight over to play New Zealand South Africa and Australia I wounder how they would cope with that amount of rugby answer no chance
  21. Well done RT yes the bedlingtons hybrid will hold its own with most terriers but only if it’s bred from working stock the stock that wants to go to ground not just hunting types good pics lads
  22. Well done top I’ve loads here but just don’t know how to put them on but I’m sure they’ve seen enuf atb
  23. Yes there are a few around that still keep them goin and have some real good terriers around them but like you say kc bedlingtons workwise are a thing of the past atb
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