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Everything posted by coco

  1. hope you enjoy the pics atb dai
  2. a couple of pics for sj hope these bring back some memories you old dog atb
  3. there must be some serious rabbit population where you live lads lucky for some i say atb dai
  4. is that wood over looking crumlin mate atb are these the dogs you scene atb dai
  5. are they mitchells and daneils dogs mate im just over the mountain atb dai
  6. they good allrounders mate not just a one trick pony atb dai
  7. 141/2 to the shoulder mate father and daughter in the pic they do me fine atb I was going to say nice examples,but nice does,nt exactly do for working terriers,are they 3/4 bred?. the bitch is 3/4 bred the father would be hardly nothing in him the blue bitch in the pics is the best ive ever scene she done 5 yrs hunt terrier service never failed they retired her lack of teeth theres not many good ones out there though atb
  8. 141/2 to the shoulder mate father and daughter in the pic they do me fine atb
  9. hey if i have got the wrong person then am so sorry rory and yes topper it is moss that am talking about, am not a beddy fan but ive seen moss work and was very impressed with his keenest and working abilities, old school beddy, short in the leg and greedy for work, plus the usual looks of a beddy like these mate they are out there mate just got to ask the right people atb
  10. beddy/bull/greyhound line bred them for years now good allrounders atb
  11. coco


    you should have seen these beddys on the wbf site then they do me well but i will say theres not many good beddys out there working below ground the breed ruined by the show people i just breed my own atb thanks for the comments lads
  12. coco


    bred them myself mate started off years ago with a bitch with a little rillington blood in her not the best bitch in the world but i bred her to a very hard fell terrier and just bred back to line bred bedlingtons but i always keep the fell terrier both sides of the breeding same with lurchers always go back to the best you produced you wont go far wrong then mate atb
  13. coco


    bedlington x 1/8th fell good dogs below ground and in rock piles father and daughterand son hope you like the pics lads atb
  14. coco


    theyve been line bred for years lads they got to be tough to do this job ........looking for charlie atb dai
  15. thanks mate they do really well on all quarry bred them for years so why change a wining fomular there really intellegent dogs atb dai
  16. out on the weekend great day beautiful weather just not much scent about hope you enjoy the pics and understand the terrain we hunt atb dai
  17. well done keep at it the winter as just started in wales bloody freezing
  18. there pit bull greyhound x beddy greyhound line bred for years mate i have been looking for a good beddy/greyhound bitch as an out cross but not many good ones about if anyone wants to use the blue dog as stud be free to ask he is a hell of a good dog on all quarry and the bedlington terriers ive had for years hope you enjoy atb dai go to working bedlingtons and youll see alot more of these dogs atb
  19. black mountains the beacons and presselli mountains i live in the merthyr valleys where are you from dogs do well on this terrain hope you enjoy the pics all dogs are line bred for years atb dai
  20. wish i had permmision life that to get my young lurchers going i hunt diffrent terrian mainly big rock piles atb lads the pups are out of the blue dog atb
  21. beddy/bull grey good noses and as hard as nails atb dai
  22. What x are thet may have missed it my sort off dogs
  23. they are the great grand parents to my dogs at the moment they are long gone
  24. theres 1/4 bull in them all line bred for years all related
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