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Everything posted by swamper

  1. cant you take any advice right thats it your going on the list aswell anybody else want to push there luck Put everyone on it. That should be funny. Oh well, guess thats me on. its gona be lonely in here at this rate
  2. cant you take any advice right thats it your going on the list aswell anybody else want to push there luck
  3. piss funny i can honestly say sjm ....i can live without the drivle just need to find the little feck now i can put him to ignore
  4. Why can't it be that easy with the wife. it can......you just have to use a solicitor
  5. if so which feckin button is it thankyou
  6. http://www.strongstuff.co.nr/
  7. mi old bull ate an aluminum ring that was round the top off of a bag with a leg of lamb in it.....the lot gone.............never seen a dog that ill that didnt die
  8. now thats an accident waiting to happen
  9. swamper


    my fault that edzy...... so to rectify http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index...mp;#entry895600
  10. swamper


    is that the 1 in the for sale section ?? http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index...showtopic=85491
  11. swamper


    just being f****n hostile now
  12. Al ......... step away from the beer............or the key board .....either ones good
  13. good going...........can we have some better pics of the dog please?
  14. i stop when the summers here
  15. what does its weight [bANNED TEXT] da harness and the collier on??? and can it beat a boxer x ??
  16. a great lack of intelligence......and to much telly.....can account for a lot
  17. 10 in that chaz just a quick tale then im out for some liver damage the weavle > whilst in the park with the kids and the wife..........the kids had there skate boards with them......smart i think.....iv not had a go off one of them for years.... so off we pops and finds the biggest hill n the place...and i wrestle one of the boards off the kids and on i jumped..........all was going well....pickin up speed ....nice and steady....not bad for an old timer i thought...... looked down to one side one dog running along all waggy tailed......smart......looked at other side
  18. there was the time when the pit chased a squirrel up a tree and couldn't get down again.....now that was funny ......hour and 1/2 pmsl......fell out off the tree in the end
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