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Everything posted by swamper

  1. if any people want to X post this then by all means do.....someone will be very worried
  2. sorry to put these up but it might just put someones mind at rest found dead today black lab type.....it has a collar on but no name as far as i could see
  3. swamper

    F1 season

    should be good un
  4. fookin hell .......thats bitchy
  5. check a small van out then.....and check the insurance out....got to be cheaper than a car....worth lookin into....and it gets you started so you can get your no claims down
  6. f**k getting a car......get a van....cheaper......gets the dogs in....and you can always earn a bit of spare cash with it
  7. personally i dont like them, there are too many obstacles like signs or arrows pointing the way for golfers. they are usually about 4 inches off the ground and made of steel, each bunker usually has a rake in it and there are drainage trenches just waiting for a high speed dog to come a cropper. day time is not as bad but night? exactly......and them bunkers are deadly.........i only ever run the dogs on them that know the ground........
  8. yep i try 18 hole one.......fast as f**k them bunnies......and it dose take a good dog......but many hidden dangers on there.....the dog can find its self in mid air quite often
  9. just to add if you have a fuzzy sensation all the time (like a sugar rush when you was a kid) crave sweet stuff all the time and want to sleep there and then (you'll know what i mean if you have it) when you have eaten especially carbohydrates. go to the quacks........you never know you might be in the club
  10. welcome to the club a change in diet or 2 pills a day fasting blood test twice a year feet once a year eyes once a year (which is pretty cool really as they photograph your retina and let you have a look) but really it an excuse for them feckin doctors to test you for stuff the barstewerds if you have been feeling alright before you found out you had it its not gone on very long undetected and you should be ok me.......i was f****d for about 7 month.......think it was high teens when i was first tested......and was not well
  11. its doing the job you want it to do mate
  12. looks well mate......does it work well ??
  13. Mines a yapper.................... thanks now are there any line bred ones.....that are doing the business....and if so who is breeding them.?
  14. gona have this x one day.......some belting dogs on here what are they like of opening up tho............be honest
  15. Has something happened to him??? we can only hope
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