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Everything posted by swamper

  1. hmmm.....good topic..... i would say it also depends on the dog...and if it knows the terrain .... roads is a no go for everyone i would have thought..... but as for drops i have one dog that i have every faith in when it comes to cliffs and such.......my other one i wouldn't go anywhere near with her... golf courses can be deadly and i will steer away from them......also graveyards is another.. peat bogs can be a concern where i run mine as well as boulder fields.. barbed wire is just part of the game nowadays..... a couple of pics to demonstrate the terrain i mainly work one of the d
  2. the hunter V the courser......... he wants it in the bag as fast as possible....due to the terrain....no law given i take it.. courser wants big open lands and the dogs to suit.....3/4 minute course's.... its like some of us that use whippetXgrey.....on the small fields....speed is everything on there
  3. lived with one of these for years............never failed me.......great gun
  4. swamper


    or tell one of the mods your not gay
  5. from this to this to this it was right nice
  6. its like watching a 14 year old drive a Ferrari....toe curling at times
  7. your lying...............................they cant climb trees at 4 days old............its at least 7 ....and evn then you have to throw them to the first branch even then!
  8. yep your right mate .....it might put the pup off ....or make it hard mouthed
  9. swamper


    f**k ........i thought it was about drugs..... man
  10. eeeeeewwwwww :sick: :sick: a step to far...........put me right off mi tea :sick:
  11. ok........... the vid you have just put up is full of shit......is that constructive enough for you.......and why are you putting up anti vids on this forum??
  12. so's hare coursing but i dont see them long dogs pulling cars and running up trees great vid mac....well demonstrated for the sentimental ones of us
  13. i think you will find any conditioner will disagree with you..........if you want to work a dogs neck/jaws.....keep the back feet on the floor......much better and as for being awesome..........................its a pet! if people want to hanging there dogs of things its up to them.....but like i said....them that know don't do it .... enough................its Friday night and im going binge drinkin...
  14. just a pity idiot's latched on to em in this country or the dangerous dog act would not av come in no.............its a pity the breeder's couldn't stop being greedy and selling to everybody
  15. you got it in one there ^......there showing off......what would have happened if the dog had missed that tire as it run up the tree...................them dogs are hard......but falling 10 foot backwards is not good! sorry for jumping on ya thread......but people need to know what can happen...
  16. look i ant trying to f**k up your thread .....but if you think swinging a dog off a tire is ok then be my guest.....but those of us that know wouldn't do it...easy as
  17. nothing smart about that....it proves nothing....iv seen whippets do it....what it dose prove is that thay know nothing about how easy it is to f**k a dog up
  18. what a dick........hanging the dog off the ground
  19. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dovestones_Reservoir it was at the back of were they keep the yachts
  20. yep its a lab type or a medium size mongrel... it was behind the yachts i'l keep an eye out for ya next time
  21. not the same one........thats a long way from here...but thanks for looking
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