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Everything posted by swamper

  1. saw a big fox circling a cat last year! the cat had no choice in the mater and the fox was gona have it no two ways about it! so i tryed to get as close to them as poss with out beeing seen so with the lurcher ready i started to sneeked up when the fox spoted us so i let the dog fly the fox went one way and the cat another and yep you guessed it ! the dog went streight after the cat! but thats the only time iv seen it the thing that makes me think that this animal does it when it can is that this took place in the middle of a town and there are loads of fast food outlets so there
  2. swamper

    just passed

    before someone asks you to take them shoping well done
  3. f****n nobs :realmad: not touched your dogs have thay mate ????? good luck and kick some arse!
  4. swamper

    Dog Attack

    thats what thay said it was up here!!! the media doing what it always dose lets hope thay make full recoverys
  5. Just for you.......... MOLL. get off mi bike you fat cow your gona brake it
  6. sickening and its scum that do this that want hunnting banned :realmad:
  7. got a pup grey X whippet a couple of weeks ago confident as fook and then theres the blood lust
  8. the bull X looks a strong un good pics
  9. every minute of every day mate lmao ouwt that moves
  10. this is mi new pup dilly dally shes an 8 week old whippet X grey and got a bad attitued the look in the old bitches eyes says it all
  11. swamper

    deal or no deal

    i must be realy unlucky 5000 then 5
  12. what a star 10 /10 for inervation
  13. swamper


    brill !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. here ya go http://thehuntinglife.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=2775
  15. £75 blood test and £45 for pts
  16. im not gona get into what thay tryed to get me and my mate but what should av just been a night in the cells ended up in crown all because 5 coppers lied to try and secure a conviction! at the age of 37 and with no previous me and my mate was looking at doing 4 years!!!!!!!!!! if im honest before i'd have bent over backwards to help um but now i wound'nt piss on um if thay were on fire!!!!! this is not a personel dig at you !! you sound a decent chap but i come from 1 of the roughest estates in machester and thay just try and treat us like we are scum ! so when 1 of the decent people
  18. i know a guy who spent a few rounds shooting the reflectors on a bike weel thinking it was a fox's eye
  19. it happens on a daily bases on my easate and we do it for free the point that im trying to make is that there is no human face behind these people anymore its all about numbers! when have you seen one let someone off with a warning? never !!!! ( well not in this part of the world anyway ) and you say its was a long time ago you had dealings with them so it might have been diffrent then but now its all about statics !
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