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Everything posted by swamper

  1. swamper


    Excuse me i do not ;) ;) is that do not masturbate or do not moderate??? Well just asked the people i have banned or warned then draw your own conclusion :tongue2: well you haven't banned or warned me.....so you and i know what im thinking
  2. i fell on a donkey's cock
  3. make your eyes water thats for sure......and you couldnt tell anyone
  4. swamper


    Excuse me i do not ;) ;) is that do not masturbate or do not moderate???
  5. swamper


    im surprised they have enough time to moderate....with all the masturbating the do... edited to add....
  6. personally you can keep it.........there worse than the french ffs nice to see your alive and well my foreign friend
  7. People can disable there messenger for a few hrs if they want some peace , just because your invisable dont mean anything the list right at the bottom tells you when every member on the board that day was last active , just scroll over the persons name & it shows the time they were last on You cant truly hide from anyone annon or not problem solved ....any pms and i'll forward them ot you
  8. il tell you why some ppl log in as anonymous ....its to stop other ppl harassing them.....pm ing them............or you would just like to have a look round with out the pms starting to arrive because you have appeared at the bottom of the screen............not because there an anti.........how many ppl appear at the bottom of a topic that that you dont know....or have never heard of..............loads............this site is far to big to be able to judge who is doing what by the members list
  9. swamper


    P.M.S.L. Are you speaking from expierence Swamper. Mars... the sister was the better looking one anyway..........
  10. swamper


    just shag her sister.........she will do the rest for you ..
  11. some have been like that for a good while now.......i work on there sites now and again ans we have to e-mail our van reg of to them so we dont get done
  12. if iv looked at you profile then iv probably put you to ignore
  13. swamper


    im in the service industry.....busy busy busy
  14. totally agree with you................but isn't the license enforced in Ireland? don't they have to were a little tag on there collar??
  15. i told the one about the OP on mi bolloxs but to many of the lads squirmed lol so just a couple of pics from over the last few days Monday now.....all that shit is the infection thats come out of um now they have been took out enjoy
  16. its a pity someone didn't catch up with him first..........
  17. as i said......the dog determines what area i run them on as one is way smarter than the other....you run what you have not what you think you have... the smart one will and can be used on any terrain...but lacks the speed on open ground...the other one has bags off it...but wouldnt last a minute on some of these hill sides.. well all have to deal with bad ground.....so we bring our best tools to deal with it
  18. 91 and media hype.......edited to say the anits weren't the problem it was the irresponsible breeds that were the problm
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