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Everything posted by swamper

  1. it'll be right mate i was the same when my lad had his tonsils out....f****n worred to bit good luck mate
  2. top stuff LB a leson to be leared i think
  3. the ultimate name for a bitch..............phyllis
  4. he needs to go on the big rabbits...them short little dashes are not his his thing i think he will fair better being able to get up to speed on his quarry the little rabbits are a diffrent game altogether imo
  5. pmsl it kina says it at the the top of the page frank bang on 12 month mate
  6. scotland mate out ov lukes whippet/greyhound back to 1/8bull/1/4saluki/greyhound. 10 month old had 13 white hare 2 fereted rabbit 3 open coursed rabbit 1 lamped rabbit in on 3 brown hares paired up dont know what dog got it well chuffed mate(hares in irland)honest nice how old was yours when it turned on??? mine was 7 month old when she started killing
  7. thanks chaps....all i need now is the air brakes fitting
  8. bloody hell chester could be her double were did your come from???
  9. just a couple of pics of the youngun at 12 month whippet X grey shes comeing on well...but the amout of injurys is unreal she spends more time on 3 legs than 4 but she is rapid and has the right attitude
  10. swamper


    "wheres he gone...wheres he gone"???
  11. hey f****n brillant mate what a feeling....bet your hart was in your mouth frank i wish you and the dog a long and happy career first of many mate..well done
  12. real men put the front legs in the wellies it might smart abit but it will keep her quiet
  13. swamper

    KG / Pounds?

    frank cant help DS...hes very short
  14. i dont agree mc that the antis have one common cause...thay have as many fractures as the hunting commuinty has i pretty sure that not all of the antis agreed with digging up a dead grandmother and some of the other intimadateing actions that thay use that i very much agree with....but how many lords hunt....hell the royals hunt where were thay in the battle...nowhere!!!!...thay were lookin after there own intrests and companys and letting us down as for the egos...well people are people what can i say...im pretty sure the antis have there own people trying to get one up on
  15. swamper

    KG / Pounds?

    ho well then.....how many euros in a lb frank
  16. swamper


    Am f*****g in a bit of a panick to say the least . god knows what i am gonna do. f**k sake sweety ... if i can help just ask if i can i will..im sure others will aswell ppl like you make a diffrence...and as dog folk we all have to respect that... dont know what else to say apart from good luck
  17. some very good advice iv got a grew she was like yours....but with a bit of time and training she'll come good....cant fault um....as regards the injurys... well thay learn...and so will you as to when to slip um this is mine month at 12 month old shes been off for a another month due to injury (again) stick with it fella there outstanding if you put the the time in
  18. A young lady from Warsaw.............. you beat me to it try a golf course there loads of flirt ploes on there
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