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Everything posted by swamper

  1. took mine shooting once........................never again.
  2. from this... which was a rod put in.............the 2 joints fused at the elbow......and the tendons replaced with wire..! to this regardless of what we did we couldn't prevent this bend occurring as the growth plates grew at different rates, and the affect is that when she puts to much pressure on the joint it is transferred to the wrong point and the leg gives way. she still can run but as you can see the joint at the foot is stiff as well ,so still more road work to be done to stretch the tendons even further there.....but after 2 1/2 years...were still working o
  3. summat that can take the knocks.....and has proven parents in doing what you want where you want
  4. unusialy cross swampy - how does it graft mate - would like to see some colour photos swampy....?.....count me with some credit...i dont start going ning.....at the end of everything....ooooo it rhymes.....lol she dose alright paul......but nowt that bites back cant work a lamp....to much nose for that..................goes of track way to much.......but doing what she dose iv not seen anything better.............. wont have it photo took.................
  5. crackin dog..........consistent is how i would describe the things iv read about him...
  6. agree with this statement.....accident waiting to happen....
  7. Could give him his fuel money back!!! my thought exactly
  8. mine used to do that after squirrels
  9. We are not going to put a dent in the population unless we get a chance to hunt for them on public ground and that is not going to happen now is it. So the grey is going to drive the red squirrel to extinction and all we can do is watch it happen with our hands tied up behind out backs. ATB Michael then do your bit and get stuck into the powers that be.......we have already got the big man shouting for change...... and some of us dont know the difference between public and private
  10. shit stuff mae.......1 of many
  11. that was a footer......but shes capable of much higher
  12. very true always has a tendency to want to be high so she can see whats going on. will go anywhere
  13. whippet X Airedale will go anywhere but not a fast dog by any standards. very intelligent and can pull some spectacular stunts off and never seems to get hurt
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