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Everything posted by swamper

  1. its bad when the owner opens up...the dog must be going ffs
  2. theres loads of whippet owners in Saddleworth...it might be worth putting up some posters
  3. swamper

    CH3 now

    I'm sure pits would have been aforded more protection if they were a KC registered breed but I think ALL dog owners should stick together. The image of the pit was down to poor representation within the media. a very valid point i wonder how people would feel if thay were being pulled for haveing "snake head type dogs" as thay maybe capable of catching hares....not haveing ago at anyone but we should all stand side by side
  4. swamper


    call it a donation LB i was told by the woman that people with sat navs have been dumped 20 miles away aswell very strange place....no land marks or road signs but get this....swamps thinks on his feet...drove past a house with some greys in the yard..so off i pops and gives them a knock...lookin for the kennels...after 5 mins of my sales pitch..i nearly rehomed them... she was telling me that she would have them off me if her kennel block was finished...you nearly got a call
  5. swamper


    all i can say is....dont use http://www.rac.co.uk/web/routeplanner/ its shite...had me 20 miles out and all over the place il drop the leads of next time im up your way LB
  6. only ever kicked her onces in my sleep.....back heel....i did pay
  7. all of the above and then some the dancing with the dogs easy.. id got some grub out of the fridge and gone into the side garrden to eat it and the dogs had followed me out to mug me(there used to it by now)...and witnessed by my neighbour as my mussus was in hospital at the time preggers thats f**k all went to bed got up and tryed to cook a pitza on the grill that time i did wake up when all the fire alarms went off flames 2 foot high.........still thew it over my neighbour fence pmsl you see thay dont beleive.....but were asleep...so its real....
  8. swamper


    i is back.....refeshed...and full of bullshit
  9. fuckoff im not talkin to ya!!!
  10. no mate the mussus jumps in and stops mi but have been know to be out side bollox naked danceing about with the dogs
  11. thats the kinda thing i move furniture ,change the content of draws around....never hoover up tho Well if your doing research..I dare not put what i got up to in my sleep but...will tell ya when we meet the mussus is just reminding me of somethings i can have a full conversation with her...but it always ends in an argument....aparently im very mean to her ... :whistle: iv tryed to take the dogs out....tryed to drive the car she usually leaves me alone unless im leaveing the garden
  12. thats the kinda thing i move furniture ,change the content of draws around....never hoover up tho
  13. top one mate i think one of the stranges ones was when i got all the pots and pans and i meen ALL of them and threw them into next doors garden in was stood there at there fence bollox naked just cobbing them in (dnidnt like the neighbours anyway)
  14. swamper

    CH3 now

    if only swamper,if only. i know mate,in an ideal world....the thing is with the media is that thay sensaitionlize things and that program will only egg on the knob heads of this world that will what to stand there with is little penis in one hand and his penis extention in the other
  15. @ jacob i dont think the moons got owt to do with it mate
  16. anybody sleep walk??? im not as bad as i once was,and i only tend to do it when stressed or ill well at the minute im giveing up smokeing and got flue so its perfect for me to have a wonder as the mussus calls it so gain last night off i pops down stairs made my self something to eat then took a load of idigestion tablets.....then has a bit of a reorganization of a few items then off out side and unlocked mi garden shed and preceded to smash everything in it then locked it back up and work done back off up to bed now iv been walking for as long as i can remember and hav
  17. swamper

    CH3 now

    i feel i need to add my 2 pence worth here i didnt watch the program...but from what iv read...the program slated the pits well good.....now maybe the pits will be driven back underground....and back into the working enviroment for wich thay were bred....not to be some little pricks penis extention...and the devlopment of these dogs can continue in the hardest sport on the planet....just my thoughts
  18. one of theres connected to your phone line and one of these conected to the back of your pc and your away hope this helps
  19. my bull used to rip um up ...with his claws....he had it down to a tee f****n loads of um....bollxed him for it...... but it was just in his head the one that me got was a kesy...caught by mi grew she was only 6 month old.......and was off the lead.....she watched it stoop and nail a vole in the grass....i was watchin the kes and the dog come whiping in and nailed it bugger,,,,got to give it her she was 5 foot in the air at the time
  20. please pass on my condolences.... .....to them that know him remeber him well
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