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Everything posted by swamper

  1. any...that all have a +
  2. were i look first all depents on depends on if iv been pissed up on here the night before
  3. The Prodigy - Funky Shit.... very loudly
  4. were all proud of ya hun youve saved a lot of dogs and done more than most would have and put them first and for that i take mi hat off to you you have mi number if you need owt give us a bell
  5. "One Behind Ear" joke as course. hes at it again
  6. jeremy kyle....it must be great to be that far up your own arse
  7. swamper

    Hey swamps

    shes as strong as an ox but very gentle natured
  8. swamper

    Hey swamps

    here ya go you would think she had it in her wouldnt you
  9. sounds like a good kickings in order
  10. swamper


    not in a 306....would have had to call you for a tow out
  11. swamper


    your dead.....you promised....thought you was going to pass out with laugher stupid place to have a lane anyway....gona reverse in next time errr if were telling all.....who passed out when haveing a couple of stitchs...go omn tell em
  12. very bad skin with some of them white dogs are prone to deafness aswell but if well bred should have been culled out also thay are that thick that its cute
  13. I know you're right mate! Just seen the news and he looks Bitter as f**k after the match, he'll be pretty sad when we do them in the FA Cup too and he loses his job and the big money man sells out and fucks off back to Russia .... couldnt agree more...hes offskis
  14. right im off for a pint so just to put the recored strieght....i spent a great deal of my childhood in scotland its a great place and the people are salt of the earth aswell hell one of mi best mates is scotish but f**k me your easy to wind up.....it must be all the red hair its made me laugh on this wet sunday anyway
  15. so easy :whistle: jingoistic swivel eyed rascists.... supperb been called some things before...but thats a first..classic..thankyou by the way what does it mean
  16. oy!!..... thats racist.......or so i was told by a immagrent
  17. lmfao ............... oops you mean us you rasist twat!!! as a english man living in scotland i think you will find its the other way round pal.. more english moving north of the boarder not the other way round, prob to get away from narrow minded people like you......... ( not that i think i have but if iv read/understood you post wrong il appologise now) i know what your on about hes got no respect for monkeys and bitches your right of course...i am a racist twat....i realy should change my ways....but its like smoking ....you know its bad for you
  18. lmfao ............... oops you mean us you rasist twat!!! as a english man living in scotland i think you will find its the other way round pal.. more english moving north of the boarder not the other way round, prob to get away from narrow minded people like you......... ( not that i think i have but if iv read/understood you post wrong il appologise now) i know what your on about hes got no respect for monkeys and bitches your right of course...i am a racist twat....i realy should change my ways....but its like smoking ....you know its bad for you
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