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Everything posted by swamper

  1. you cant protect your self from suicide bombers as the is no repercussion .....but what you can do is make um think twice about there actions or any of the fuckers involved in this terrorist shit if caught ploting/executing then there immediate family will be sent back to place of origen ...there for you have repercussions for there actions....pretty easy to solve if the goverment had any balls how would these bombers feel when there old mar is liveing off the back of a donkey again
  2. "DEFRA had previously dismissed an offer from the Countryside Alliance to hunt the badgers if they were dressed up in little fox costumes."
  3. should have pushed them back in the car....f****n wankers
  4. what do you mean gender not set you might have guessed its called sitting on the fence snoop
  5. click on there name snoops
  6. feckin leafs everywere....mi skins missing.... and whats a spoiler lol
  7. just been watching a bit more....i didnt know lenny henry played a bit.....lol
  8. to all iv met on here good by
  9. swamper


    firearms certificate
  10. swamper

    My Dad

    My condolences to you and your family at this very sad time
  11. if its any consolation DS i spent about an hour stalking a black bin liner that was blowing about on saddleworth moor thinking it was a big cat
  12. 4x4 cymro ....go anywere....hunt anywere.....best nose iv come across...but goes of track and wont stop till she puts it up...so its just daytime work with her we call her the fire and forget shes about 19 /20 att...very difficult to messure.... when you approch she give you that sideways look as if to say what you up to dick head ...then runs off but always on top of summat
  13. removed due to the thread being moved
  14. i thought it was you at first getting annoying sexual advances....and i thought...never
  15. cant keep a good man down well done the dog
  16. you like doing these dont ya mate
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