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Everything posted by stubby

  1. just saw one the same as mine on pidgeon watch, dont know if the link will work, I aint great on computers, I payed the same money for mine, http://forums.pigeonwatch.co.uk/forums/index.php?showtopic=114646
  2. for anyone looking at either the 410 or 12, Id suggest you first check out the availability of subsonic cartridges from your local stockists, as this may shock you 410 carts have always been pricey, ranging between £4 to £5 a box of 25, but I had trouble getting hold of 12's in subsonic, and when I did they were £6.25 per box, theres not much difference in length between the two bores, but the 410 does fold down smaller, and of course is much lighter, and remember the 410 will take the shot the same distance, it'll just have a smaller pattern
  3. I have the pedretti 410, and will never get rid off it, as a humaine dispatch tool it does the job great, live caught foxes dealt with in one go, and if using sub sonics, very quite, especially if using as pest control in built up areas, have used it rough shooting too with 3" magnums , again works great, I also had the 12 bore pedretti, again a good gun, but really is big compaired to the 410, it was like pointing a drainpipe
  4. right, I have a suzuki vit 1.6, its been a great little 4x4 up until now, its still great, but Ive got this bloody noise thats doing my head in, rear passenger side, sounds "tinny" as it something is catching on something as you drive, happens in both 2wd or 4wd and in any gear, but its there sometimes, then dissapears, we had it up on the ramp and cannot see anything caught under there, mates reckon its not wheels bearings, so the only other thing I can think of is the diff, as its the only other thing that side? so, anyone know of a good mechanic that will take it for a drive and can get
  5. have owned mine for 3yrs now, and as much as I like all the other 4x4's out there, my vit does anything you ask, and as you say, cheap to insure, great for getting down inbetween lines of tree's in orchards etc, a the heater is the best ever, gets hot really quick when you have numb fingers and toes
  6. bit of a catch 22, get a magnet, and you'll want more than a single shot shotgun, I went down the route of buying the magnet first, because it was going cheap on another forum, but once I had that, the single shot could'ent be loaded fast enough, so within weeks I sold that gun and bought a semi
  7. stubby


    explained here; http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=55349&view=findpost&p=564469
  8. just watched it all, good programme, would'ent want to be neighbours with the old couple would you the old toothless guys mate looked like shadrack, you could see his heart was into the foxes, and at least he returned them to where found, rather than dumping anywhere although I was surprised the pestie lad moved the caught foxes rather than dispatch in situ but definatly shows the people your up against as a pestie
  9. in court, the judge asked the guy, how low he could get.... the guy replied, well so far Ive done a jack russell I'll get my coat
  10. are you looking at the correct LED signal?, are you forgetting to switch between locate or search? try new batteries in both collar and locator
  11. start at the top, let the fert work down, rabbits are far more likly to bolt downwards and out, than bolting out at the top and running up
  12. steve, watched that videa a few times last year, very informative, and a great way of making a cheap little trap, EVEN BETTER, just one question, why the flag marker, as its not like your going to miss seeing that in a garden
  13. i didnt know it was possible for them to get it on before the jills fully inseason any comments your right, unles the jills are in season at time of mating, a roughed up neck is not a gurantee'd mating
  14. I'll just add, jills dont automatically die if not mated or given a jab years ago more jills died, but I reckon this came about by the conditions they were kept in, left in dirty hutches and fed on milk and bread, resulting in diahorria, when the jill was in season, the vulva swells, being close to the ground its a good entry point for infection, thus jills died and we got the "old wives tale" that unmated jills die we now look after our ferts alot better, feed them a decent diet and keep cages clean, therefore jills are less likely to get infections to prove a point, my daughter has
  15. in what way limited success does that mean you cant hit them or that your hitting them, but they are running off either of the above, you should STOP shooting rabbits, until you can be 100% sure of a clean kill, head shots are the best and only area in my eyes, we should always respect our quarry, and try for the best humaine despatch if its the first, then more target/grouping practise is needed, if the 2nd, then again, head shots only, or if your doing head shots and they are running, a better rifle
  16. trouble is, if you followed for too long, you may loose concentration and RAM HER UP THE ARSE
  17. I have a nooski sitting in the shed, doubt it'll ever get used, more of a talking point, let us know if you have any joy with it Im not a lover of those type mouse traps, much prefer the break back with metal bar from kilgerm
  18. ferrets come into season with the lengthing days, hobs normally first, jills you need to check regularly, to see if the vulva is swelling, yup Id seperate them sooner rather than later to save un planned litters, are the related?
  19. if they are not drawing blood from each other, leave them be I have two 3yr old hob brothers, that have never been seperated, apart from when servicing jills, having hobs that live together can be handly if ferreting in summer, as normally hobs would fight as another note, I have eleven ferts sharing a court at the moment, and seven of them are hobs, all get on brilliantly
  20. I know for sure that a mk1 box will work with mk3 collars, but don't know if the same can be said for mk3m, maybe they differ in some way
  21. did'nt look like you were squeezing so much, yet an awful lots of squeeks
  22. in future, if you get silly posts added to a post that is accounting for a day out, all legal and above board, I suggest rather than ask for it to be removed, you should hit the report button on the "silly post" bringing it to the attention of a mod that way, we can then check if said member is actually leaving any sensible comments or just being a pain on the site,
  23. its fairly easy to make a telephone CALL from home
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