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Everything posted by stubby

  1. it could be the FLUX CAPACITOR
  2. thats why we said "having permission"
  3. what some new shooters need to remember, is they may see shooting wood pigeons or crows as sport or fun, and we all know it is fun, BUT, and heres the but, you cant use that excuse for shooting them if someone was to ask you, your only reply can be, FOR PEST CONTROL, and you still need to mention, that you have tried every other means possible to keep them away from the area, banger ropes, scarecrows etc, and that shooting is the last and only option using decoys is within the law, but using a "caller" is looked upon as enticing them down, would they still have come within shooting range i
  4. barring having permission on the land your ferreting, and making sure that rabbits are given a swift humaine dispatch, I cannot think of any laws/regulations can you...
  5. theres lots of items, that are illegal in this country, but not illegal to sell, a bit like canabis seeds, perfectly legal to buy, but try growing it and your nicked, the same goes for your crow, its ok to sell, because as mentioned, its use is for photographic/filming purposes, you'll see it makes no mention of "shooting" in the advert the point of selling is to make money, but the purchaser cannot use the excuse "I did'nt know" when they get a tug from plod, as all laws/legalisation should be checked before the shooting of any animal, its a shooters responcability to check these things out
  6. not so much a dominance thing, just getting there rocks off :icon_redface teatree oil can be used, as well as nappy creams,
  7. and its pi$$ing down with rain, you look like a drowned rat or its middle of winter, your nutts have withdrawn inside ya, and any white bits are going blue get a 4x4 with a lid on it, and heaters, your then imune to the above
  8. thats a bloody good bag mate
  9. SOME PUT CROW IN WITH DEECS IF IT MAKES A DIFFERANCE I DONT NO I NEVER HAVE BUT IT CARNT DO ENEY HARM ITS A CARMING THING FOR IN COMEING BIRDS NEVER HERD ONE MAKE A NOISE TRY ONE THATS THE ONLEY WAY TO FIND OUT WHAT WORKS BEST FOR YOU GOOD HUNTING nice to see people giving advice without knowing whats allowed maybe eli should read the laws before shooting or giving advice ITS ILLEGAL to use a caller for shooting, they are for photographic purposes ONLY...
  10. your post count, under you name says 41, thus needing another 59 topics/post put up by yourself, it really is that simple just found out today from admin, you can ONLY SELL LIVESTOCK, if your a donator....
  11. Im sure this was asked a few weeks back, and had around 3 pages of people who just left them where they lay, I suppose it maybe to do with wether its sport or work/pest control, as pest control, anything shot/trapped/poisoned is removed, if its shot pigeon/rabbit/squirrel etc it would go in my freezer, for other singularly shot animals then a normal bin, multiple animals or foxes would either be buried or incinarated ( all poisoned animals incinarated) if a landowner wanted proof then yes, either drop off at their request, or take a picture, but I'd never leave anything, that the general p
  12. Id get rid of any non ferret obstacules, then fit a wood panel across the lower half of door, inside shed, at a height you can step over, woodchip the floor and use it as a ferret court, keeping the cage/s for any ferts that need seperating
  13. I wouldent bother with a pop up, have heard they are a waste of time, I would say, whatever kit you go for, watch the weight, it soon becomes heavy, I have hide,poles,foot spikes,magnet and deeks, and trudging back across the fields, it weighs a ton plus carrying shot pigeons, next on my list is a trolley
  14. nice first post, welcome to the forum, sod introducing yourself, just sell, sell, sell
  15. this guys going to get confussed by these replies, the mk1 was first out as 8ft, then the upgraded 15ft came out, as stated, the 15ft mk1 takes two batteries, as time went on the mk2 came out (dont touch with a bargepole) and now we have the mk3 and mk3m
  16. they may look flimsey, but they work well, use them on a magnet, the movent certainly brings the birds down, I do however swap for dead pigeons on cradles once a couple have been shot http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mz9flaLaI_w
  17. In future, set you phone/camera to a lower resolution/picture size, that will make them computer friendly, but still be a good picture, no need to re size then, just upload
  18. stubby


    if you want some pigeon spikes, give me a shout I'll sort you them out for free, although seagull spikes would be better as they are extra high,
  19. my closest shot was approx 2" 410 hushpower, live caught fox
  20. try using the search function on the forum, Im sure with a bit of searching you'll find one or two posts on the subject of snaring
  21. not wanting to sound unhelpful, but it sounds like you have gone into ferreting/keeping with your eyes tightly shut, not knowing weather they were snipped or castrated, saying the jill was spayed, yet asking about the jill jab, and saying you were not going to use the hob maybe you should have done alot more research/reading etc, before getting ferts, rather than after castrated hobs, can still get the urge to mate, even though they have no balls, its all about knowing your own ferrets and seeing that they get along, keeping ferrets, you should always have a spare cage, in case of emer
  22. what is it with ferret keepers lately ferrets are a meat eating animal, yes the occassionally catch the rabbit, its not the end of the earth, its not something that needs to be corrected we have of late, people not wanting them to kill, not eating meat, the list goes on
  23. went there as a kid, around 33yrs ago, it was shit entertainment on site, but lovely countryside/places to visit, probably has changed since then though,lol
  24. yes, the bitch is around 12yrs, the dog 4yrs, great characters,
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