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Everything posted by stubby

  1. I tell ya, its so bloody wierd, the haynes manuel describes the sound, and lists things from wheel bearing seals, wheel bearings, diff,diff bits etc, but one minute the noise is there, the next it dissapears, had a mate come around and we took it out for a spin, so he could listen to the noise, NOT A BLOODY MURMER parked up, went out the next day with the missus, 400yds after pulling away, that noise is back, next day, nothing which makes me think, it cant be serious otherwise it would be there all the time Ive had both rear drums off, nothing loose in there, but did notice oil stain
  2. and theres me favouring talipex traps, just cant win, you'll always get prefrences to traps
  3. nice pics, was wondering why you'd be carrying around a club hammer, until I saw the thickness of them poles
  4. stubby

    long net

    you can never have too much bag, 100% bag is a great net to work with
  5. had a few comments like that myself, normally forget about them, I know everything I do is 100% legal,
  6. mate, they will come into season when they are ready, not when you want them too, give you a bit of time to read up more on breeding as I think you need too
  7. have always left jills together with young in the court, the main downside is you then find it hard to tell which jill is mum to who, which if you want to keep records is not helping you. as for hobs killing the young, I tested this out the year before last, leaving around 4 jills and a few hobs all together, once the kitts were born, a castrated hob became a surrogate aunt, and the intact hobs stayed well out of the way, jills can get very nasty when protecting young, I think the hobs know this, all went ok, till around 6 weeks old, when the castrated hob was moving the kitts every 5 min
  8. stubby


    you have to be a donator to sell livestock only
  9. as above says mate, on this post, were talking about decoying CROWS!!!
  10. looks like you had a good day, craking pictures, the first picture is just screaming out for a longnet around it,
  11. I suppose the hide will depend on the fields you have to shoot, do they have evergreen bushes, or bushes with no leaves, if its the later, and you have enough netting/poles, Id go for a cube hide with roof definatly have a seat we normally set the deeks around 30 -35 yds away, and waiting time, well that depends on you, somedays we have sat for a couple of hours before moving, I use the choke with 4 notches on my hatsan, and find that fits the bill, as above, nothing goes to waste, if we dont eat it, it goes in the freezer for the ferts, you can also use thawed out pigeons to take
  12. or just keep a close eye on them, I have two brothers, both get left together throughtout the summer, along with another un related hob, they all have their pecking order and get on fine , they are now 3yrs old
  13. there is not an "end of season" as rabbits are pests, but as above, some hang their nets up for spring/summer, others like myself, ferret throughout the year
  14. its basically a large box, with a trap door on top, the box is buried in the ground, next to a fenceline, theres an artifical tunnel over the trap door, the tunnel goes from one side of the fence to the other, the trapdoor is locked, so rabbits get used to going through, at different times, it can be unlocked, and of course, then fills up with rabbits (hopefully) they must be checked at least every 24hrs when in use
  15. the above is waiting for someone to ask, whats a henway around 2lb I'd say (hen weight) its simular to that new duvet I bought, its made of duckdo
  16. I'll add, never send cash or postal orders, paypal only, gives you peace of mind
  17. why not use the collar,.but keep the locator as a spare, its always handy if ferreting with another person, that both have a locator, makes finding the little buggers easier, or in case the one in use ever breaks and needs sending back to deben for repairs, you'd then have the spare to use
  18. its for the young mums to padlock their pushchairs too, innit
  19. stubby


    turn your caps lock off
  20. stubby


    why cant you upload the pictures to your own computer
  21. why is it impossible to dig
  22. you dont, only you and moderators can see your warning level, which at the moment is zero, so dont worry about it, start worrying when it hits 50%
  23. nice looking gun, wish I had some spare dosh..
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