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Everything posted by stubby

  1. it depends on wether your going to be doing "for free" or paid jobs, Im with SACS, which covers you on any hunting related sport barring horses, but only on FREE jobs, if you want to do paid pest control, you'll also need private insurance
  2. its no different from people, more "free stuff" in towns, means more people, but to answer your question, Id say towns do more "paid" pest control than country areas, most buisnesses have to have pest control on there books, so the mice and rats are taken care off, other pest species though feral pigeons etc, controlled by london underground and a few of the larger companies, magpies and squirrels probably get off quite lightly
  3. But he will have to worry if he gets hobs when they comeinto season as will prob fight unless he gets there nuts cut off. why does everyone automatically say hobs will fight if kept together maybe it would be better to say, may fight, otherwise my three hobs that are intact, and have lived together for three years, must be doing something wrong
  4. thats an impressive gun, looks like its floating in mid air
  5. gloria's for wet spray, DR5's for wasps, Ive got a spare one of each
  6. the chicken had only just wandered behind the trap as I took the picture, as for wearing himself out, picture was taken after I popped him
  7. the hushpower was my first ever shotgun, I have used it for rough shooting, but with the moderator you have to aim higher than the target, gets confussing when shooting in the air and having to give a pigeon, some lead and height too, I now have a 20 bore o/u for rough shooting, and a semi for the pigeons, so the hushpower will be kept purely for a fox dispatch tool
  8. we have chickens at the bottom of the garden, and I have a permentaly fox trap set up in the run, as we have large numbers of urban foxes, anyhow today my missus let the chickens have the run of the bottom section of garden, by leaving the gate open (on purpose) she popped down and checked them around 4pm and all was ok, I then went down around 6.30pm to clean the ferts, and thought that a chicken had got itself trapped in the trap, walking closer, realised it was a fox, so a fox has entered the garden, then into the coop, totally ignored the chickens, yet gone for the bit of rabbit, tha
  9. stubby


    maybe he's blocked you from sending him pm's
  10. give it a couple more months, there be shed loads
  11. stubby


    thats an april fools question, right turn base over, before fixing together, hold paintbrush in one hand, and after dipping in cresote, wiggly hand up and down railway sleepers are ideal
  12. stubby


    whatever shed you get, preparation is the key to how long it lasts, even if its pre treated, Id suggest getting some good old fashion cresote, failing that some old engine oil, and paint the underside of floor/base, also if possible, site it raised off the ground, a good flow of air under it, will keep the floor from rotting away, also means better access for ferrets when the mice start nesting under it, which they will do
  13. if, as you have offered, type up a list, by all means I'll sticky pin it at the top, but as others have already said, the same questions will still get asked further down the page, as this has been done many many times before as an example of what I mean, you'll see the pinned post on ferrets for sale, asking members to read the first post first, yet I still delete posts from it daily, because its obvious they don't read anything, just post their questions etc, read it yourself, you'll understand what I mean
  14. maybe not as the shooter, but from someone standing 30yds away they are saying a normal cart will give you another 5 yds, means more powder, more powder means more bang
  15. havent been on there for a while matt, but just spent the last hour or so looking through it, and getting my post count up I'll visit more often now
  16. stubby


    not too much though, or it'll end up like this.....
  17. is it me, or did all those that offered skulls, expect an address by now, 6 days later and nothing sometimes wonder why I bother
  18. see, now if Im breeding, to keep a few back for ferreting, then none would get sold at such an early age, they are all handled daily to ensure non biters, but then, each in turn is taken out, normally with a parent, and used whilst ferreting, keeping records of what ferrets worked well, did'nt shy away from holes,hands etc thus I keep the ones I want, and sell the surplus, always tell the new owner, if they have been out, and how well/poor they did, most ferts dont get good at ferreting until their 2nd year, but at least it gives me a head start, if your selling at 8 weeks plus, the only fact
  19. stubby


    pet mince, maybe a cupfull, once a day, thats it, feeding her that amount, she wont starve to death, if your using her (ferreting) then feed her rabbit instead, maybe 1 hind leg, now were coming into summer, feed her after dark, keeps the flies at bay, if theres food left in the morning, then your feeding to much and can reduce portions slightly, dont forget to look for hidden food, and remove it before it gets flies, keep the egg to once a week, instead of a meat meal an egg cup of dry can be left in the cage, but it you leave to much dry in there, she'll gorge on it and get very fat
  20. you dont say how many jills? I would say 2 to 3, then as advised 3 or 4 days, dont worry, their necks can handle it, those girls like it rough
  21. theres alot easy free "meat" out there, rather than moles, seems a silly idea to me if your only doing it to feed your ferts bet ya they turn there noses up
  22. depends on the warrens, both are as important for different jobs, so normally take 2 jills, 1 hob unless its summer ferreting, in which case, I'll take 4 castrated hobs (no fighting down holes then)
  23. got to be ELEY all the way, fibre wads are better than plastic in a hushpower
  24. stubbey do you find yours hard to clean onley mines a ba..ted to undo at times wie mod being a tight fit my 410 un-screws no problem, keep a bit of copper grease on it to stop it from sticking, I also had a 12 bore in the same model, now that was a bar steward and wouldent unscrew I also use 2" sub sonics for fox dispatch, never had a problem with sticking
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