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Everything posted by stubby

  1. good to see ya think well of your ferts, gonna be a bugger to clean out though aint it
  2. How far is Essex from Norfolk? Y.I.S Leeview in this neck of the woods, we only go as far as cousin to cousin mating
  3. cheers all, on the web as I type this, looking for the best deals on 3 dogs, just bought perry back from the vets, heres the plastic he ate, and his battle scar, not as bad as I expected, total cost £830, but would have been better with insurance of course
  4. I think a lot of the arguments stem from people looking at it from the wrong perspective, pest species no matter what animal, are only a pest because they live in close proximity to man, you'll always get a difference of opinion between those of us that control pests as our job, and those that still belive its "sport" we always see arguments on controlling rabbits via ferreting in the summer, as some deem it un sporting, or sodding up next winters ferreting, alot of people see these pests as "their own" rather than a problem to a farmer/landowner etc any pest species that I get called upo
  5. I could understand this mating, if you lived in norfolk but its not like theres a shortage of good unrelated hobs out there
  6. use the search button top right of page, you'll find loads if you take the time, its been asked to many times before
  7. use the search button top right of page, a few minutes search by yourself and you'll have loads of pictures and posts, this has been asked way to many times for me to start posting pictures
  8. our english bull terrier had to have an operation and couple days in the vets, and of course, were now £900 worst off, so were going to have to get insurance in case theres a next time anyone recomend a good one/value for money etc, dos'ent need to cover hunting, as he's just a pet,
  9. The only times I have had success with a live catch is when the bait has long rotted away leaving only the bare bones. exactally right
  10. it would have told you why its to stop other sites from spamming this one, you need to wait a little while between posts
  11. why not just keep what you have and get him castrated, then he can stay in all year round, getting another jill will mean you have 2 jills coming into season each year, meaning you'll need a snipped hob or jill jabs although some on here will say its rubbish, but sometimes a castrated male is better than a snipped hob, my court holds three jills and four castrated hobs, even though they have no balls, and therefore shouldent get the urge to "mate" they do still go through the motions, thus taking the jills out of heat, none will have the jill jab this year, or go with snipped hobs
  12. they need an advertised price to stay here
  13. as above, why are you breeding then what happens if she has a large litter and if once the kitts are weaned, you still have them, why even ask the question, when your already stating, you dont have anywhere else for him, leave him in with her, all will be ok
  14. post above says it all really, they are referred to as just silvers, not black eyed silvers maybe you should have read up on care/housing/breeding etc 5 months ago when you got them
  15. Ive always found, 9 times out of 10, a bad workman always blames the tools
  16. I read this post a few days before buying a 20 bore investarm, and was slightly concerned, but went ahead with the purchase anyway, now used it today for the first time, and after firing the first two carts, opened it without remembering to fully cock it, two new carts were put in and I was about to close, stiffness/not wanting to shut can be felt at this stage, and I therefore realised what I'd done wrong, fully cocked the gun and closed safely, so I would put this problem of both barrels firing, as user error, rather than gun error, as not only can you feel that something is not right, but y
  17. good advice there deny it normally takes me a few shots to get my head in gear, after shooting ferals all week with the springer, and then changing to the shottie at weekends
  18. you need to say hi in here, then re post your question in the pigeon section, may get more replies welcome to the forum
  19. do you feel like you doing anything wrong? shooting too early/too late? are the birds coming down to your deeks, or are you trying to shoot as they fly over/ or past how far are you taking the shot
  20. nice looking dog, do you call them jack russells over there, or a different name/breed smart our jack russell bitch
  21. bloody hell, those jacks still have some back legs on them glad you sorted out how to post nice to put a name to a face, looks nice out there
  22. you wont get an albino with brown in it, unless you have kept records on parentage, theres no way your predict the colouring,
  23. what I meant was, if you look at the second picture, the gun seems to be floating, or do I need a trip to specsavers
  24. I must admit I have been sluggish on learnnig how to post pictures on here, when I first signed up I made a few efforts and have sort of given up. I know that you must have a site set up to down load the pics from and then type in the proper command sequence...... It never worked out. It's a shame - I would gladly post many of my field picture for all to view. Any help would be aprieciated..... Thanks for the reply SGS8) open up a free account with "photobucket" upload pictures from your computer once your pictures are there, click on one of them, either directly underneath the pi
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