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Everything posted by stubby

  1. just phoned the farmer and arranged shooting for friday morning, cant wait and thanks to dj for the fourthcoming feathers
  2. yes, smaller door is a feeding hatch, I tend to feed inside and out, as when keeping a few ferts, they tend to split into groups, those that occupy the inside shed, and some outside, if you open the large door, although it'll have you in stiches as ferts pile out, it can be hard to keep them all in, so the small hatch solves problem, I also have a sliding door between inside and out, its handy to lock them all inside when cleaning the concrete, or lock them outside when cleaning the shed
  3. they stay in the order that they were posted, we had far too many people "bumping" posts to the top, which was against forum rules, and caused lots of warnings, this way its simpler
  4. we already have those buttons just you dont if you want a topic/post moved, ask a mod if you want your topic/post deleted, ask a mod if you take offence at someone else's topic/post, tell a mod
  5. whatever the foxes have been feeding on, that your trying to catch although for our urban foxes, I used the arse end of a rabbit, skinned but with tail, the older the better, and I mean old, months rather than days/weeks :sick:
  6. Ive had upto 15 ferts in a court that size although your probably going to lay slabs, or just concrete the floor, I'd suggest fitting a soak away drain, a simple 6"x6" gulley above a hole filled with pea shingle will surfice, makes it so much easy to wash out with a hose, also, if thats lap panel fencing at the rear, make sure you cover that in mesh too, or the stinkers will be out after a few hours other than that, looks great maybe add a swimming pool for them, mine love it in the summer when its hot
  7. get them sorted now, dont forget the hutch too, its when kitts are around you need to leave it
  8. what feathers are you after mate? picked up a road kill hen bird yeaterday, its only gonna go in with the ferrets anyway and im sure they would not mind it oven ready. thats just what Im after, get plucking
  9. you wont want to walk it from there from EUSTON go to WARREN STREET then to OXFORD CIRCUS and then to REGENTS PARK bit of a pain keep jumping trains, but they are all only one stop each
  10. this particular permission has never given anyone but me shooting rights, they have noise issues, so started with only air rifle permission, then after 3yrs he ok'd the hushpower, Ive tried the dead rabbit and also a magpie rotary, and got the grand total of 1 come down to investigate, but I was well hidden as no one else shoots the area, Ive counted 30 plus maggies, its now got me on a mission to lure the buggers down, or with the help of the owl, at least to a tree top
  11. forgive my ignorance, but surely to find a punctured bowel, they would need to open him up, then send home same day with antibiotics
  12. take a trip to specsavers first, this is the ferreting section, I'll move it for you
  13. Ive found that some meats are maybe too rich for them, if I give mine pigeon breast they wont touch it, yet give them the rest of the pigeon and they devour it, not sure how rich venison is, but give it a try if you have it going spare, rather than wasting
  14. as long as their accomadation is kept clean, they aint going to keel over overnight, but fair enough
  15. had thought about sticking pheasant feathers on, I fixed it on top of our pergoda, and it certainly got the maggies interested, they would'ent come too near, but that was probably due to kids next door making a racket, but still close enough that they could off easily been shot if anyones got a bunch of feathers they want to send me, please do so
  16. theres a few posts running in pigeon watch at the moment, with a video clip of a guy using a stuffed owl with great success on the crows, quite a few people, inc myself have comented on having a large plastic owl decoy, and wether it would work with the same success, theres mixed replies, both good and bad success, which then set my brain in gear, on how to try and make a plastic deek, BETTER after watching the video clip that evil elvis put up, it got my brain gears turning, seems a few people have tried the plastic owl decoy to attract crows or magpies, with little or no success, I f
  17. I suggest you read up on the law and what you can or cant kill, before rushing out with these ideas yes, your right, feral pigeons do make a mess of buildings, but like all animals/birds, they are still protected, in one way or another, unless you have good reason, now I doubt very much your a pest controller by the wording of your question, so a simple answer is NO if the birds are not fouling your property you cannot even if they were, you would first need to prove that you had done everything to stop them doing so, ie bird netting, bird spikes etc, culling is ONLY the last reso
  18. and did yours die due to it probably not, its an old wives tale that "THEY WILL DIE" but as already stated, a jill in season throughout summer, combined with dirty cage floors only spells trouble, and a swollen vulva ia a good entry point for infection sounds like you have a little chip on your shoulder, instead you should try being the better person, Ive taken loads of new members out to permissions, never to get return invites, but I dont slate them for it what did he do different to get all this permission, that you did'nt do
  19. if your willing to offer good money, why not simply have your own hob snipped, save asking every year
  20. stubby


    there you go, question answered
  21. is it a mk1,2 or 3? if its a mk3, simply slide the cover off half way, to turn off I personally, put new batteries in at home, ferret for the day, then bin them, buying them in bulk of evil bay you can get them cheap as chips, using new every time, means no ferrets underground with flat batteries, as we have been told by others in previous posts
  22. sorry mate, cant understand a word of that forget I asked
  23. chris bee kindly invited me to an afternoon shooting on his permission, we arrived around noon and walked around to a area on the pea field we wanted to shoot, the weather was lovely, but not a bird in sight, we set out the magnet and around 24 deeks, but not a sausage, after an hour or so, we pulled the magnet in, just in case that was keeping them away, and within half an hour the were coming in, in dribs and drabs, we both missed some barn doors, but also had some classic shots too, a quick walk around a wooded area at the end of the day, saw chris getting a rabbit, a good end to a great a
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