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Everything posted by stubby

  1. why not just breed one, but leave the other in as a surrogate aunt, two litters together is no problem, but they will put them altogether, you'll have no way of indentifng kitts to mums, no good if you want to keep records for future reference, good kitt, bad kitt etc
  2. dont go on facebook sorted
  3. use mine for fox dispatch, and a bit of rough shooting on a permission with noise issues, only use eley fibre wads, anything between sub sonics for fox dispatch (built up areas) or 3" magnums for the rough, great little gun
  4. one of my customers phone me yesterday, stating the young rabbits were coming through his rabbit proof fence and digging up his borders, and could I sort them, so decieded to set a few mk6 fenns, hidden from the view of his wife and kids in various parts of the borders, had one of his workmen phone me today to say we had the first, popped over to retreave and re set the trap, its tucked nicely along the fenceline, behind a row of conifer, hoping this is the route they are all coming in,
  5. how long is a piece of string your going to get such a mixture of answers, it wont answer your question, it'll be a mixture of budget,bore,what your shooting, how the gun fits you, etc etc, the list is endless
  6. elephant traps or mouse you really need to be more specific on your questions
  7. need a piece of tubing made up to my measurements, thinking it could be done on a lathe by someone in the know, send me a pm if you can help
  8. its good to see someone asking "before" rather than after, of course if your going to be using the ferret for rabbiting, then most of the time you'll feed them the best food going, ie fresh rabbit, get yourself a small chest freezer to keep in the shed, mine fits around 55 rabbits in it, remove feet and head before freezing and you'll get more in, put layers of carrier bags in, to stop them freezing and sticking together but of course there will be times that dry food is all thats available, although a trip to the supermarket and you can buy chicken legs/wings quite cheap, but buy whatev
  9. all of my jills, turn into biters around there litters, its probably a hormonal thing, once winter comes they are back to there old selfs,
  10. dunno how true it is, but was saying on radio as I drove home this morning, that the last time this volcano erupted, it took 18 months for the dust clouds to dissapear, now that would make people panic oh, yup, we started planting the veg in polytunnel today
  11. agreed these "reinstate so and so members" make me laugh, if someone has been deleted/banned, its for a reason, unless that member wants to truthfully tell you why via phone ITS NONE OF YOUR BUISNESS these topics get started, we then get the "bring him/her back posts" it aint going to happen, live with it, and get on with your life if you cant carry on without them, ask to be removed
  12. might be best leaving it a while before disturbing the jill for pictures, unless you have a jill thats friendly, or like one of mine couple years back, she put them in a washing up bowl in the court congratulations though, if its your first litter, you'll end up wanting to keep them all
  13. yup, affraids its ILLEGAL, ok to use it for photography purposes though crazy that you can use a "blown" caller to call them in legally though
  14. if you have a large motor, transport it out to a permission and dispatch it, if not, Ive a 410 hushpower, very discrete where neighbours are concerned
  15. update; went out this morning, not as good as I had hoped, although the lofting poles I had made worked great, 7 x 1mtr pergoda poles worked well, took me a few attempts to find a tree/location that worked ok, but once sorted, it looked good, slight breeze kept the dead magpie decoy moving, but no maggies/crows were being drawn in, had a woodie come to investigate, worst luck for him as he fell to the 410, one maggie did come down just as I had put the gun down, to take a sip of juice anyway, hopefully with some feathers stuck on, it may look more realistic, Im not going to give up, I'
  16. damn that will be the problem them as hes had his nuts off does that mean hes useless then ? not useless, still good to have a castrated hob, can be used for ferreting in summer, as he wont try to mate jills that are being used, and wont fight with other hobs also, some castrated hobs will still do "the buisness" I have two in the court, although no nutts, they still mate with the jills, unluckerly, yours wont
  17. just put a mk6 fenn trap in your handbag
  18. send chrisbee a pm, he's got quite a few hives dotted around essex he did promise me a jar of honey
  19. as already stated, a 410 cartridge stops them coming back could possibly be that he's calling for a mate or warning others of his territory borrow a cage trap and trap it, I'll always come over and pop it for you, if you dont have the means of dispatch
  20. as already stated, a 410 cartridge stops them coming back could possibly be that he's calling for a mate or warning others of his territory
  21. if you want to make some extra pennies, pluck the maggies before dumping, just noticed on evil bay, a set of feathers sells at around £3.50
  22. there was'ent much point leaving it there throughout the winter months, and now its a new season, its no good putting the old post up, as members may have given up/got rid of hobs etc
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