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Everything posted by stubby

  1. do members never bother looking, but just ask as it's easier, top of this sections page, is a pinned topic, guess what it is downloadable targets
  2. you can change you profile details anytime the reason I suggested adding a location, is that I have a rat attack smoker and oil sitting in my shed doing nothing, and would have sorted a deal with you, but after that reply you can go
  3. I think you'll find you need to inform youe FAO and do a 1 for 1
  4. I'll raise that to two moles
  5. stubby


    get your missus/girlfriend/bloke (delete as neccessary) to give it a good squeeze :sick:
  6. from using heavy barrelled guns at work, always found the more heavier had less recoil, and was easier to hold steady, than a lighter rifle would have been
  7. your location would help, no good us quoting somewhere miles away yet another good reason for members to fill out their profile....
  8. had you been a little more south, I would have taken you and the boys out, bit far for you to come though
  9. dont you go to bed stubby Im a night working pest controller, for one of the "BIG" companies, although our hours are 2100 to 0500, sometimes I get home a little earlier its a good time to visit the forum, and put out the trash
  10. well I felt like I was waiting on a job interview, butterflies and everything, but need'nt have worried, everything seemed to run smoothly, now just got to play the waiting game on the postal service
  11. an old tip, from an old member "ditch shitter" was to get a cat flea collar, and a short section of 15mm copper tube, drill some small holes in the tubing, so as to perforate it, place collar inside tube and hammer both ends flat, put this into the ferts/kitts bedding area
  12. depending what locator your using the new mk3m collars, can have the batteries left in, and be turned on and off via the magnet in the hand unit if you have the older mk3 then the night before put in the batteries, but dont push the lid shut, then in the morning, half shut the top, when you get to where your ferreting, fully close and put the collars on, I buy batteries in bulk from evil bay, and use new batteries every time, it only costs pennies, yes you may get a few days out of collar batteries, but there will be a time when you forget and half way through the day have a lost ferret d
  13. good pictures as usual pat although the first picture, 3rd row from left at the bottom, Inan has'ent lined up the rabbits propely got me FAO visit later today, fingers crossed
  14. a free service with just a small donation required so, its not FREE then
  15. well, either they need to report it, or they may be telling porkies, anyone could say they havent recieved a pm from someone, maybe they dont want to reply, saying its not come through is an easy option,
  16. hi rich, all you'll need is a 2 1/2" sub sonic, plenty enough to do the job, its all I ever use, quite as I use it in a hushpower pedretti held around 1/2" from top of skull it gives a entrance hole about the size of 5p and is an instant humaine kill never needed more than one shot using it that close does not give the shot time to expand when leaving the barrel, thus its like firing a solid block of lead
  17. when you say they have bother with it, maybe you can describe exactly what the problem is? or maybe they dont have a problem, maybe they have been put on mod preview/banned from posting/banned from pm'ing certain members
  18. I think you'll find .22 is allowed by some police forces to be used for fox dispatch upto a max of 30yds, of course others may differ
  19. stubby


    sounds like your internet connection, what you got, broadband, dial up? when a page is loading, pictures are the last thing to load, thats why the red crosses, look bottom left of screen when you click on a page, it may say xxx amount of pages remaining either that, or all the houses near you aint took there england flags down yet
  20. put the tongue of the collar through the buckle, so your holding the tongue, a bit like a lasso, pick up ferret and in one motion, pass the looped collar over its head, now pull the collar tight, if the fert wriggles too much, place its rear feet on the floor, but keep hold of the collar and do it up, if your worried about getting nipped, your not handling them enough,
  21. went out sunday gone, only 5 rabbits, but keeps the land owner happy
  22. I have a small chest freezer in the shed, after a night lamping I'll gut the rabbits over the fields, then once home, normally then chop off feet and head, as that makes them fit in the freezer better, leave the skin on, as they dont stick together as easily when frozen, normally put around 7 rabbits in, then cover with carrier bags, then next layer and so fourth, can fit around 55 rabbits in there this way I always give 24hrs for them to thaw out, so I also have a small fish tank (empty) and close fitting lid, frozen rabbits are placed inside to thaw out by the next night, keeps the flies of
  23. thought this was turning into a sexual statement kay
  24. if the collars coming off, its way too loose, remember a fert has fur, therefore neck looks thicker than it is, my mk3 collars have holes to make the collar smaller than the ones already in it from new, put the collar on, pull it tight around neck, at this point, its still too loose as its fur underneath, so mark the hole at least another 5mm along, if the fert goes blue, its too tight, put the collars on them each day in the cage, get them used to wearing them, if they keep getting them off, make more holes and do it tighter the next time, untill the wear them all day, far better t
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