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Everything posted by stubby

  1. I personnally like the Idea, have seen it beore, australia I think it was, of course your going to get mixed reviews, but if it works for you, then who cares bumblefoot is what birds get, their feet are designed for perches, but if kept in cages with no perches, directly on a wire floor, that results in bumblefoot
  2. all the info you need is here... http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/55349-the-ultimate-warn-guide/
  3. try it and see, most jills with mother them, but ferts always love being together
  4. Ill have to remove the post, as forum rules, no posting for sale item for third parties
  5. phone the landowner of the big permission I have yesterday, to say everything had gone through and I could start the pest control on his land, only to be told he was on holiday, not to worry, as its an open ticket I phoned another small permission I have and arranged to go there this morning, at first it looked like I was getting thursday night off from work, so it would have tied in nicely, only to be phoned last minute thursday night, with a pigeon job, ended up getting back indoors at 02.30am, as I wanted to be up and out by 5am, I stayed awake, wonderful thing redbull anyway, sighted
  6. cant see many taking you up on that, you can pick up a bale for £7.50
  7. Id suggest a "pet" ferret site, you'll see plenty of colours there, would imagine here your just going to get the bog standard stuff
  8. I too bought one from lidi a couple of years ago, cost £99, used it to spot rabbits while lamping, found it ok to about 40yds
  9. Im going for a chinchilla cage, I used to own a pet shop many years ago, and used to make something very simular to sell on to the public
  10. is, being given an "open ticket" on your first FAC application I cant stop grinning, ok, I probably proved I was capable of holding such, what with shooting on the underground, and what we have to carry out before shooting a single bird,ie risk assessments,method statements etc
  11. its a 16" .22LR complete set up, rifle,scope,moderator cost me £525 dont know if thats a good deal, didnt shop around on prices, had been looking at second hand varmints, my more local shop essex gun, just dont give the same sort of service, eastern couldent help me enough, make you feel really at home so looking at 2nd hand varmints at £380 ish, it seemed the better bet for and £145 to buy new and get the warrenty
  12. around half nine this morning, my firearms license dropped onto the door mat, felt like christmas had come early, anyway after a quick coffee, it was jump in the motor and pop over to eastern shooting, where I had left a deposit on a rifle 6 weeks ago, here she is, well happy complete rifle, the bi-pod I had already, now thats brilliant on its own, but it gets better. At the time of my visit, I had asked for an extra 4 things 2x section 1 shotguns and more ammunition, all 3 were refused, but the 4th item I asked for, was niether given a yes or a no too well, on checki
  13. I'd keep them seperate, untill the hobs are out of season at least, as if they are last years, the will hassel the jills,wether they are in season or not once their balls have retracted just bung them altogether, keep an eye on them for a few minutes then walk away,
  14. needs a location for collection
  15. it just goes to show, that alot of these "anti's" have totally no idea of how the real world works, as they are so wrapped up in their own little "I'm right bubble" as they say, the domesticated rabbit is probably now dead, rather than alive,well fed and cared for, so much for their cause
  16. firstly, are you going to be charging for your services, trapping etc, as if not, then a normal membership with SACS will cover your insurance,public liability etc if your going to charge, then any of the above
  17. it can only be worms, if you have seen worms in his shite, so no good asking us, just look as for hair loss, they probably have a complextion from being called bucks (rabbits), rather than hobs (ferrets)
  18. make one, just use 3/8th ply on sides and lid, and either 1/4 or 1/8th for back,front,bottom
  19. the waiting is worst than the visit mate, as a night worker I normally sleep from around 5am till noon, since my visit, Ive been waking up just after ten, like a kid hoping for birthday cards to come its doing my head in,
  20. as stated, have got a strimmer engine too, but tomorrows job is on a goat milking farm, and noise is an issue to a nearby resident, so the rat attack is the correct tool for the job the last time we used the strimmer engine we had a great day, but boy, all of us went home with REAL STINKING HEADACHES
  21. why should'ent it unless you dont leave them together long enough, I always leave together for a week
  22. nothing wrong with ferreting this time of year mate, I do it anytime a permission ask's also nothing you can do to stop killing underground, my best hob does it all the time, are you using a locator? reason being, put fert down, keep locator on, and track ferret underground, if it stays in one place for longer than a couple of minutes, I mark the spot with a stick, once he's up, and any netted rabbits are dealt with, I then go back to the marks and start digging, this can sometimes add 3 to 4 rabbits to the bag
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