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Everything posted by stubby

  1. as the title say's, for quite a few months, Ive had an annoying whine,rattle,bang,etc,etc coming from under my vitata today I think Ive found what was wrong driving home, got to within 800yds and the rear propshaft fell off totally snapped at joint, had to drive the rest of way, in 4 wheel drive/giving me power to front wheels, at around 1mph, terrible racket getting a new one, seems as hard as finding rocking horse poo, so sourced a 2nd hand unit for £60, hopefully fit it in a few hours time
  2. thats well out of order Inan, Ive left a question in their feedback section, doubt it will get answered or publishsized on their website, theres not many people out there that know that gutting technique is there
  3. No not yet you was right about the waiting i come home twice a day just to see its a week tomorrow not that i have been counting bet you get it tomorrow are you still driving the vitara in your avitar, mines been making some weird noises for months, found out today what it was, when the rear propshaft feel off
  4. hows the waiting, you got your FAC yet?
  5. firstly, are the grounds where your going to place them secure?, otherwise some toe rag will probably nick them, place the trap in a run if possible, fixing both ends open, or parrell to a fence that you know has rabbit activity, bait up with carrot chippings, you can buy a bag of horse carrots for a few ££'s, after a few days, set all the traps to "catch", remember to check daily at least, if not twice daily, any caught rabbits, remove, humainly neck, then pee them over the trap, re set trap, new carrot chips and carry on some people use T bars to hold the trap in position, stop's foxes ro
  6. here's ours.... I just tell people to give us a TAP on the door
  7. yup, I have a totally awesome FLY CATCHING JACK RUSSELL, never seen anything like it before, could earn me millions in a side show
  8. in an ideal world that sounds great, trouble is, the forum as a whole already has sub sections, yet we still get PLONKERS posting in the wrong section, so having north,south,east,west sounds good, but you'll still have wrong areas in wrong sections,
  9. update; maybe I should change my username to BODGITT & LEGITT found an old blown tracer max in the garage, the type with the plastic moulded mount attatched, so a few minutes fettling with the trusty dremmel and Id made basically, a cup holder added a strip of foam rubber and a plastic tie, and come up with this, alot less hassel than the allen keys, simply pushes on for a snug fit, of course until I try it out, I wont know how well it points the beam, but we can always go back to the drawing board if its no good, then I'll be onto sean, pleading for some thumb screws
  10. make sure you keep a close eye on him when you do put them back together, I have four castrated hobs in the court with three jills, yet one of the hobs, still gets the urge to "shag" its not so bad with fully grown jills, but kitts may take a hammering, if it were to be the same
  11. on that note, I'll try a box through it then
  12. I'm appalled to read the comments regarding the little Chihuahua being killed by a fox! I'm the Poole & Bournemouth Dog Whisperer, and I can tell you that it happened in front of 4 young children during one of their birthday parties! Before you make up your own assumptions on any story, please get your facts right. The father did indeed run after the fox (who wouldn't if it grabbed your dog?), and the dog was dead. The family are grief stricken, and wouldn't it be nice if you respected their pain and suffering rather than write a heap of s**t! what surprises me, is this is your fir
  13. trouble is, the mount thats on the lamp already, attacthes to the lamp via grooves, I think Ill just have to take a set of allen keys along and fiddle with it in the motor
  14. its only used either on platforms or tunnels, and we normally get rows of dumb pigeons, it litery a case of either one step forward or back
  15. I got the above unit from evil bay, but its not got a quick detach system of mounting it to the sight, its the allen key type mount, anyone have any ideas on a fixing bracket I maybe able to use so I can take off/on with ease,
  16. Cheers,do you finf much difference in performance between the two? none what so ever, apart from the noise, subs being so much less noise, although I only really use it for humaine fox dispatch in live catch traps
  17. nice write up and pictures, I have one permission plagued with magpies, Ive tried everything, but the buggers wont be fooled, now I have my FAC, I'll try decoying them down at a further distance
  18. I'd been told not to use plastic wad with the hushpower, as they may foul the barrel, being a lazy sod, I did'nt want to check after each shot, so have you never had probs? I ask as I have a few boxes sitting on the shelf (given by a friend)
  19. stubby

    wasp nest

    Stubby...? My mate just called out a pest controller for a similar problem, i have know idea what he charged but would you have done this.....................the wasps nest was hanging from his roof just outside his bedroom window, the pest controller asked him for a golf club and knocked it off into the garden then went down and put some sort of wasp killer powder on it? not essex to scotland I would'ent have yes sir £45 for the wasp's, £255 travel expenses sometimes we will knock them into a adapted dustbin, then get the lid on quick, and pump the stuff in through the side on
  20. stubby

    random pms

    he's banned in future, anything like that should be brought to a mods attention by pm, rather than a post
  21. Id say, call in a proffessional pestie, and get it done properly, as you say, you'vre already payed money out and it dint work, so getting some stuff "cheap" is not a gurantee it'll work, as you may not apply it correctly
  22. stubby

    wasp nest

    call in a proffessional, what do you class as over the top prices? I always charge a set fee of £45,
  23. check out either kilgerm or sxenviromental website for courses and dates
  24. I too had problems with ranges, and paid out over £100 for a range finder, only to sell it a few months later, its fine on non moving targets but when hunting, by the time you have put that upto your eye and got a reading from it, then put rifle up to the eye, the bird/rabbit has moved, or seen the movement and sodded off, a red dot lazer is better in low light conditions, unless you pay good money for a better quaility one, but in bright light, its hard to see the dot, the way I have my work air rifle set up is simple, I shoot pigeons on the underground, they roost in the tunnels, so dist
  25. I use sub sonics on the noise issue permission, on others though I use the eley 75mm extra long, not a great deal noisier
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