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Everything posted by stubby

  1. stubby


    this is quite old now, it was a hoax
  2. carry on handling him as much as possible, try putting some malt paste or spittle on your hand for him to lick, you'll get loads saying, flick nose,push fingers into throat, but its not neccessary, just lots of handling,
  3. stubby

    the gamekeeper

    just watched the first one could do with subtitles though, as they seem to be speaking in a foriegn language
  4. your just being puffy wuffy
  5. you need to set up hide/decoys before sun up/ still dark, get in the hide and dont ventue out again, crows aint silly, leave shot birds where they lay, if you start running out to pick up/place more decoys down, they will sod off as you say, I have good success when putting 6 deeks down, compaired to when putting only two down
  6. that sounds way too techniqual for me, I prefer the bit below
  7. http://rabbitcontrol.farming.officelive.com/default.aspx he has replied to your feedback,It is a smart site shame about using googled images link, as above and yes, scats still there
  8. sorry that came out a bit wrong, meant a min of 8 weeks, and as long as they are feeding
  9. a born left hander, but over the years my left eye has deteriorated, so around 6yrs ago, taught myself to shoot righthanded, so I'd say yes
  10. 8 weeks, or as soon as they are eating meat ok, whatever comes soonest
  11. I personnaly would say stick with a standard scope, say 3-9x50, think to many people rush out when getting a rimfire, thinking they need something super duper with bells on, but thats just me
  12. have a re think on your post and try again, your asking for permission, yet have not given your location or filled out your profile not much point someone saying "yes" if your a few hundred miles apart but to be honest, its very doubtful, first post, no one knows anything about you, age,insurance, etc, and your really no more than a post on a forum page try filling in your profile with as much information that you can, add pictures too, make some topics/new posts of your own, join in some disscussions,debates etc, after a while, if members see that your contributing to the site,
  13. welcome to the site... makes me laugh, a female joins the site, and these lads are round it like flies on shite
  14. having a meshed window opposite of door will help with a good air flow rate, heat in summer is a killer to ferts,but they can withstand the cold, a few of mine still sleep in the outside court when theres snow around
  15. surely common sense would have told you mate, without having to ask, I mean, boy plus girl plus breeding season, Im quite happy to help, but when we get questions that appear as though the poster has no idea of whats happening with a LIVE ANIMAL , makes me see red, I may be a pest controller, but it dont mean I like seeing animals suffer, and your post, sounded as though this young jill would end up in that situation and its not a point of waiting till she "bulks out" just wait for the breeding season to end and his balls to re tract,
  16. its not rocket science, a higher reputation is good, a low is not so good, dont get reputation muddled up with the warning system, two totally different things
  17. dont you just admire people that read up on a subject before getting a live animal and putting through uneccessary distress, oh no, sorry, your doing it the other way around
  18. pm'ing them is the best option
  19. every time you leave a post, others can vote wether its a good story/tale/infomation or a load of crap, thus your reputation will either go up or down us mods/members can then see wether your a valued member, or a waste of space......
  20. what you need to do in future pat, is at the bottom of each picture print copyright © your name 2010 stop those picture thieves nice bag of rabbits by the way, and looking at your first picture, my...what a big one you have
  21. well picked up the propshaft this morning, and just finished fitting it, took the vitz for a quick spin up the road and it drives like a new motor, no more rattles/clunks or gear change (dunno why that should be better) and no more whinning,banging,rattles etc etc now thats sorted, think I'll try keeping on top of the home maintainance, and after reading a post on pigeon watch, think I'll paint it nato green
  22. http://rabbitcontrol.farming.officelive.com/default.aspx he has replied to your feedback,It is a smart site shame about using googled images no, that one was already there, mines alot more slatting his use of others pictures,lol
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