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Everything posted by stubby

  1. Ive used very simular, and have one here, ok for around half an hour, unless in the car with it in the cigerette lighter
  2. your probably right, the only difference though, is this section concerns LIVESTOCK compaired to an air rifle, so people do tend to hold matters on a higher level, if they feel an animal is not in the best of hands prehaps you should have compaired the ferret section to one of the dog sections, also livestock, you'd then see they have it far worst plus of course, members dont see all the deleated stuff
  3. nice picture and nice shooting
  4. as already stated, silver is a man made colouring on a domesticated ferret, totally different from the wild, and at the end of day, people here are only offering advice, its down to the individual wether they act on the advice or not why get so angry about members replies that you feel the need to insert a swear word
  5. I basically proved that when working on underground shoots, using an air rifle, mountains of paperwork had to be completed before one shot was fired, risk assessments, method statements, safe shot placement etc, plus I have certification from bisley on safe use of rifles, plus a number of other safety certifications I explained I get numberous customers phoning asking for lamping to be done, and how quick could they "pass" land, he must of been satisfied that an open ticket was a safe option in my case
  6. with either silvers, or black eyed whites, Id always breed with a outcross, trouble is, a black eyed white, could as has been said already, a moulted out silver, I have two jills here, that I could easily pass as BEW's, but I know they are silvers
  7. they are staying put, but Im toying with the idea of cutting a large hole in rear of roof ended up getting a nightsearcher from evil bay (2nd hand) for £60, as it came with the same battery that I have on my pigeon magnet, giving me a spare just got to pick up a red filter (if needed) they cost around £13.00 lightweight made from aluminium, and small enough to not catch on those wind deflector wotsit's
  8. after fixing my vitz, it still gets the from me
  9. stubby

    25 pound to

    thats bloody joke,
  10. a mint of milk, thats a new one M is nowhere near the P either
  11. albino or polecat is the suggested mating, but if she's such a belter, why worry about colouring
  12. the only time it runs into trouble, is if your trying to keep records on breeding lines, as once the kitts are born, you'll find they will lump all the kitts in one nest box, then split them up, then together, then apart,lol
  13. two reasons, firstly it was a very hot day, therefore didnt want to take more than two ferts out in that heat, it was more of a "keeping my permission" day by ferreting the owners garden, than a proper ferreting trip,and secondly, although the jill was'ent in season, the hob certainly was, so again, only put them in singularly you wrong on both counts there, Im no "expert" there's plenty more members here with more years experience than me, Im just adding my experienes to the post, secondly, the jill is a terriffic worker, have been out with quite a few members off here, both new
  14. I never said hobs were better, I keep both sexes, and use both sexes, just at different times,different warrens,different months etc I'd aggree if they were any other of my ferrets, than the two I took, my best jill, who came from magwitch's bloodline, she's a cracking 4yr old worker, and really does work her heart out, I do think it was more like I mentioned above, that using a single jill on that particular warren, they were easily giving her the run around down below, on see the hob x 4 the size of her, the thought, f**k it, lets get out of here
  15. have just read a write up on it in july/sporting rifle, guy there reckons its an ok unit, but says the same as above, not much better than a lamp,and certainly not worth the £325 price tag, and he quotes that with the arrival of the pulsar night/day vision on the market at just under £1000 which is far superior, it also makes the laser designator very expensive for what it does. when I first saw the lazer, I too thought it looked a handy bit of kit,after ready many write ups, think I'll stick with the lamp, and save my pennies for the pulsar
  16. a computer is the one item in life, that you need to go with new, secondhand is only asking for trouble,
  17. the easy answer, is one ferret is never enough, if using jills, yes they are smaller,faster, but a single jill working a large warren may not bolt any rabbits, as the rabbits will just give her the run around underground, so jills are best used in pairs, and its no more work in looking after two instead of one their downside is each year after you get them as kitts, they will come into season, and remain in season, until taken out, I would never dream of using an "in season" jill for ferreting in the summer if called upon, as the swollen vulva is just an invite to infection, in unknow
  18. don't be scared to ask for open straight away, if you don't ask, you don't get, is my motto I asked for an open ticket on first application, showed that I had knowledge of safe shooting, and got an open ticket
  19. Ive never known anything to be "good" and "cheap" you pay your money, and get one or the other
  20. can the clown just use the reply button, rather than multi quoting posts all the time
  21. mate, do us all a favour, use the search button, thats what its there for, theres pages upon pages of topics/posts on what you want just look....
  22. I find it very sad, that some so called members, can do no more than leave smutty remarks for you, in my eye's, proving them to be no more than very imature boys, as they probably havent read the forum rules, I'll let you know, that if you want to report any of them, as it could be classed as harassment, I'll quite happily hand out bans or mod previews on them for you, might make them grow up a bit...
  23. you can shoot over a footpath, as long as no one is using it at the time, It may help, but not a neccessaty if you had a couple of signs made up, along the lines of BEWARE rabbit culling in progress by pest control ring 0208 888 77777 to place at either end of path/or area your shooting, looks good when your FAO visits
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