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Everything posted by stubby

  1. hope theres no copyright on the dvd
  2. sure you can, it's a sheep farm, like everyone out there, you shoot were you deem safe, and in that instance, it was Im sure plenty others shot a lot closer to livestock, you only need to scan u tube
  3. cant recomend any suppliers, as mine found its way to me via work, but suggest you buy as big as you can afford, theres lots of so called traps out there, that look way too small to entice a fox into, as a minimum Id say 5ft long 24" square and on the shotgun for dispatch, just make sure you have soft earth/grass under the cage, or move it for dispatch, as a 12 bore will probably pass straight through, I use a hushpower 410 with sub sonics for cage dispatch, and it does the job 100% humanly
  4. your supposed to smile when they say "cheese"
  5. your correct on my need to go out and test different brands through the CZ, picked up both eleys and winchesters last visit to the dealers, I feel the gun favours eley's, but have not put that many winchesters through it, to be 100% sure, although you do seem to get more of a "whack" when they hit the rabbits, than what you get from eley's as for walking out distances,I could understand if it was rough ground, but it was as flat as a snooker table (a green at the golf course) and as I walk out distances every night of the week, measuring stations for pigeon netting, I know I dont make mist
  6. pat, I did'nt even know where kent was till a few years back
  7. was using .22 can understand your thoughts, but the farm is un-manned on this occassion, and the sheds empty, except those bloody cats and the house in the distance, is empty, just a cunning tax dodge by the owner
  8. i havent got my own transport but i can get hold of a lift. you could of said that in your first reply to me, rather than just stating you could get a lift, giving me the indication you could get here
  9. yup, prices are up and down like a yo yo over here too
  10. i havent got my own transport but i can get hold of a lift. ok, havent got anything planned at this moment in time, but Im sure something will be happening in the next month or two, I'll give you a shout via pm
  11. if you have an open ticket, and can therefore deem an area in the garden to shoot down onto safe (soft grass etc) and was insured,and informed police of what was going on,time in and off job, then theres no reason why not
  12. last week I sighted my rimmy up, using eley subs, zero'd the scope to 60yds, at 70yds it was one mil dot under, and 82yds was one and half mil dots under, bang on, I was putting bullet on bullet now out lamping tonight, of course, distances harder to judge, but was using winchester subs, put the crosshairs on a rabbit, perfect engine room shot, right where I was aiming, but on walking to it, it was out at 82yds by my reckoning that would have missed using eley's, so is it all down to different ammo, or was there another reason
  13. Im not offering yet, but do you have transport
  14. sounds like a good vets....not if she's been to a vets, they would have charged her, and sold her something, pills,injection etc, no ammount of web forum info is going to ever beat advice or treatment from a vet, so if she's still asking, tell her to find another vet
  15. thats why you feed meat once its dark, then remove left overs first thing in morning
  16. is it chineese pull eye's in corners, making the "slitty" and say rong range
  17. way to many people cant see the difference between those shooting for "sport" and those carrying out pest control. how many wood pigeons are shot in the name of sport, yet the general license quotes they cant be shot for sport, only for pest control, but do you see us pesties harping on about that, or the fact that once the crop is cut to stubble, then technically there's no need to shoot anymore, as they ar'nt causing damage to a crop, makes you think dont it
  18. mixy is of no harm to you, just other rabbits, not all rabbits would be blind, you'll looking more for lumps and swellings around the face and eyes, when badly affected the eyes close, rabbits can survive mixy and get better, when you gut a rabbit, check its liver, if it has spots on the liver, then its mixy, but although probably put you off, its still ok the feed/eat, so dont go leaving rabbits were they lie, as that'll pi$$ the farmer off
  19. stubby


    as stated, pick up any old garden implement petrol engined device, ie strimmer,hedge cutter, chainsaw etc, remove the engine from the rest of it, take it to any car accessory shop and find some radiator hose that will push onto the exhaust outlet, this will withstand the heat of exhaust, put a slightly higher oil to petrol mix in it, and away you go
  20. and no matter how many times I hear it, it still brings a smile to my face
  21. hope you get her back, as not only have you lost a fert, but a collar too, another good reason to start ferreting in the morning, so if anything like this happens, you have more daylight/searching time
  22. once you have the subs, fire a shot yourself, then get someone else to fire it, while you stand 40ft away, big difference, also where you shoot, you'll still get a slightly louder noise when shooting around built up areas, outbuilding,tree's etc, to those shots out in the open, but its still nothing like a proper shotgun bang, great guns
  23. stubby


    far better to use a smoker, rather than risk a ferret
  24. but no mention of the person who lost/threw away the ferret, lets just slate the car driver
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