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Everything posted by stubby

  1. But, the 'intact one' is too young isn't he? and his nicknacks haven't dropped yet so he wouldn't have the urge? Im just asking, im not sure myself. Also, just want to throw in there that the 'intact one' also has scabs on his back. might be an idea to sit and watch them for a few hours, just to see if they get upto anything, I have four castrated hobs, yet one still mates with jills in season, he deffo aint got no balls, so should'ent have the urge, yet he still does,
  2. ok, as you asked I wont remove it, of course the police/anti's dont read posts on these sites, thats all hear say, funny how when I left this post there was me, and 7 guests reading it, you maynot have "the stuff" on your person, but you'vre now admitted on an open forum to having access to such materials, makes me glad I only post about perfectly legal activity's, I hate to think someone was watching me
  3. yes they could be playing, but more likely that the un castrated hob is shagging the others (yes,boys as well) the only way to solve it, is to seperate the intact one
  4. unless you have got some weight on the lure, whats to stop the line jumping off the spool and tangling
  5. not trying to be shitty here, it dont sound like the foxes are a problem, just like you want to shoot/kill one for the sake of it, pest control is fair and square, but only if its being a pest
  6. 1, around 5 weeks 2, you can tell albino's from birth (closed eye) and colours rougly as they grow fur 3, 4 to 5 weeks, they will start hunting food smells even before their eyes are open
  7. my vitara has passed yet another MOT without any extra payment needed, just shows these motors go on forever, bought it 5yrs ago from a mate who was emmagrating to aussie land, think he let it go cheap at £500, and so far its passed every test without fail, the bit the makes me laugh, is the last 3 tests, they always say, handbrake needs adjustment before next year, have I done it yet have I feck.... next job on the list, is to rub it all down, and grey primer it, before painting it with the can of nato green I got off e bay should make it look, less hairdress' re
  8. no, its way to small for pictures us southeners just cant take the pain like the northen boys
  9. of course you can, at the end of the day, only you can deciede what value you put on your ferrets, look back through old posts and see those from people that have lost ferts in the same way, also, and this is'nt me trying to be funny, but maybe if you cant afford a locator, you should seriously think about rabbiting in some other form, with say and air rifle, because you cant afford a locator, so what about purse nets x 20 plus a decent shovel a carry box also as has been said so many times in the past, what if the ferts need vets treatment, will you hope to put a post up, asking
  10. definatly getting old and loosing your marbles, hob's cant get preggers
  11. went to check a few mole traps today, as the customer said there was one in a trap, good old talipex had caught yet another, on checking the trap line, noticed a barrel trap had fired, yet was empty, this same trap had, had a miss catch before, so decieded to change it to a talipex, as one side was still set, I fingered the trigger before it was put in my trap bag... big mistake, I had forgotten my thumb was in the way christ, it FECKING HURT, catching me just below the bottom of thumb nail luckerly only a flesh wound,lol, and so glad the customer was'ent watching but a first for
  12. so your saying, that no english people do that either, so yes, sounds racist to me, I know plenty of english people that do far worst scrounging off the state, and I know a few foriegners that pay for everything, even working two or three jobs to pay the bills. there's only two things that pi$$ me off in this world racism and paki's some would argue with you stubby that the term "paki" is racist. I thought that was the punchline ? [ or have i had a sheltered life ? ] lol oh right never picked up on that bert must be getting slow come on scot, thought
  13. pat, give me till next week, as one of my shooting mates is on his hols, but he's a sparkie and was talking about these the other week, Im sure he'll be able to sort something for you, so you'll get further with the red nice sized rabbits there
  14. your probably better off looking at a dedicated night vision unit to fit on the rifle, rather than a wearable eye unit, or a cheaper alternative a lamp and red filter
  15. if you want/need distance, get a rimfire
  16. so your saying, that no english people do that either, so yes, sounds racist to me, I know plenty of english people that do far worst scrounging off the state, and I know a few foriegners that pay for everything, even working two or three jobs to pay the bills. there's only two things that pi$$ me off in this world racism and paki's
  17. mines bigger than yours about 150 rabbits with skins on @tomo
  18. these need a price to stay here (check rules) if you want offers, try e bay
  19. your going to need a bigger freezer, if it's full with ten pigeons mine will fit 55 rabbits
  20. maybe different rules in different regions, mine told me I could purchase my limit (500) every day of the week, if I was using that much (not likely) as long as I did'nt go over my holding ammount of 750, but he commented that you could'ent buy over your quoter in the same 24hrs, even if you had used it all
  21. out of interest, whats a job like this pay? ball-park figure
  22. when you get your visit prior to recieving your FAC, your fao will tell you how much ammo you can buy and hold it'll be something like buy 500 hold 750 or could be higher, he'll indicate it can be expanding ammo, he may also off er you buy 500, hold 750 target rounds I opted just for expanding, did'nt see the point on holding target rounds when I dont shoot targets, but of course, you can zero your rifle on land that is either on your ticket (closed) or anywhere you deem safe (open) ammo is cheap as chips, so you'll use you expanding ammo to zero the rifle, and that will include your
  23. I got a cz synthetic, using it as a pest control tool, any rain,mud,blood can be simply wiped clean with a damp cloth
  24. stubby


    or take big hammer, smash the fecking box up, sorted
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