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Everything posted by stubby

  1. two posts, both selling items, not even an introduction in the new members section, looks like you'vre read the rules on contributing to the forum....not
  2. stubby


    i it could be I just tried, don't work for me either
  3. as the collars are leather, fingers crossed it may be the leather thats perished, if so, simple cut old collar, leaving a few mm's either side of locator, then sticth or rivet onto new collars
  4. myxi is not transferable to any other animal, inc us, we may not like the look of it, but if you check the liver, the meat is fine for feeding Stubby your losing yourself and leting the code of the mods down you can't say ain't ; ) yes I can,yes I can, yes I can it's not text talk, now if I'd used 8nt, that would be a different matter
  5. we must be ok in essex, aint seen any myxi at all
  6. It can be done but he will need an IR targeting laser fitted to his rifle I can understand a targetting laser, but then what about holdover or under, as with a telescopic sight/night vison, you have mil dots set at different ranges, but the laser would surely be set up, at a set distance, no room for error on calculating the distance, or have I got it wrong?
  7. I too, can remember .22's at fairgrounds, christ, that makes me sound old
  8. and I bet when you play COD, your one of those irratating halo jumpers
  9. the only downside to that idea, is what if after blocking the pipes off, rats chewed their way back though, and as rats tend to grab a mouthful of food and run, theres a risk of rat poison being trail across stable floor, which horse's would eat, Id be very careful about that idea
  10. not anymore, they scrapped that law a year or so ago. if its a changing room? is it a sports club or simular, is the ground open to the general public, all these things should be checked, as it could turn out more hassel than its worth last year, chelmsford council contacted me, asking me to ferret their parks, thought Id struck gold, until I did the first park with longnets, general public, dog owners who dont care that their dogs just run through your nets and after your ferts, anti hunter types giving you grief it was a nightmare, first and last time I did any parks open to the
  11. those bottles are what they use in laboratory cages, try doing a google search as for cleaning, 18" of brass bath chain, insert into bottle half full of water and shake like a cocktail maker, sorted
  12. a "rat attack" smoker is niether noisey or use's harmful gasses, have used mine on loads of stable blocks housing some very expensive horses, with no ill effect do a google search for the info on them, and see what he says, totally different to an old chainsaw engine
  13. Id ask more on the .22 ammo, hold 750, buy 500, I try to get out once a week, and got that no probs you don't want to be running out over a bank holiday weekend
  14. stubby


    click on the "chat" section(just under fox picture) top of page
  15. needs a price to stay here, offers are for e bay
  16. why not ask if any members living close enough to you, with a smoker wants a day out, you can normally find a few people with terriers up for the job, as stated, although ferts are used for rats, its not as simple as rabbits, Id be a bit worried on ferts and shotguns, but a smoker and guns could prob do it too, failing that, as you say, a few fenn traps set up inside tunnels will do the job, but its alot more time consuming where bouts are you? Ive got rat attack and a 410, or terrier
  17. get yourself a little suzuki vitara, go anywhere a bigger 4x4 can, and more, great on petrol, mine holds around £40 full tank, not costly on insurance or tax (depending on your age) if you need space, get the 5 door version, my 3 door is a bit small sometimes
  18. Ive caught moles on those shallow runs, using a talpex trap, laid almost on its side then piled over with soil, dosent look nice in the garden,and the area I was doing, I knew wouldent get outside interest on
  19. yes to the 1st question, and no to the 2nd
  20. my ideal woman, is my wife, proper yorkshiremans farmer daughter, she moved down south 15yrs ago, and I met her 7yrs ago, puts up with all the dead animals being took through the house, loves the ferts and all dogs, cooks out of this world stuff, likes scrumping apples/fruits as much as me,likes growing our own veg, and making rabbit burgers,lol and best of all, she's sex on legs and rides a motorbike oh, and puts up with me big time.,..
  21. good advice above, I';; add, check the amount of "bag" you have on your longnet, was you told when you bought it? the best nets will have 100% bag, ie, a 50yd net will actually be 100yds long, but some nets, if bought from flea bay only have 75% or even 50% once you know the actual length of your net, you can work out how much bagging goes between each pole if your lucky and it is 100%, lay the net out as described above, but pull net tight, fix the end of net into a pole pushed into ground, walk your 2nd pole out to say 5yds, grab the net at this position, and with someone holding the t
  22. thats why I have locks on cages and court
  23. Thats exactly what I thought me too
  24. what distance will ammo travel? would have though it will travel further than a shotgun shell, so you'd need to be alot more aware of backstops, as it will come down somewhere? so not so much of what members think, but what would your FAO think? Im sure he/she would say NO
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