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Everything posted by stubby

  1. yes, just purge them for a few days, keep in a damp sack, not a bucket of water, after a few days put them in a large water filled container with a good helping of table salt, by this time their stomachs are empty and once washed through a few times are ok to eat
  2. adding your location would be a good idea, unless you want to travel hundreds of miles
  3. if the land is your own, then you can see any type of shooting as sport and having the frame of mind to take small bags is great, sadly most people don't have that option, they are shooting permissions where the owner does not see it as "sporting" he see's it as his livelihood that's being eaten/destroyed, and the only reason you have been given permission, is to stop this thus people go out and if there's big numbers to be taken, they get took, I'm sure there's nights when nothing gets shot, or very few, but you rarely get posts about those nights, people need to stop thinking it's "sport" i
  4. it will most probably be closed then, I suppose it also depends on how your chat goes with the fao, and if they see you as safe and knowing what your talking about, mine was open on first application
  5. as its daylight that brings them into season, you could try bringing her on like we do poultry, keep her in a cage/court and leave lights on till 9pm
  6. yes mates, thats so you can shot them whilst they feed, without shooting up the feeder, both of these have been on trees in my woodland for around 6 months, and still going strong
  7. both catch out of ponds I would advise purging them for a few days, catching from rivers we eat same day
  8. yup, get a pop up hide unless farmer lets you build one , and lots of squirrel feeding platforms with good backstops, cheap cornflakes work well if you have, or can borrow a trail camera to place on the feeders, that would give you a heads up on regular feeding times, otherwise its trial an error of you trying different times, early morning/dawn is a good one for me
  9. sounds great, but having gone to the trouble of building a hide, why not go that one step further and build a few squirrel feeding stations,
  10. using google found it in like 2 seconds, try harder
  11. the post description tells you, then google is your friend http://www.maplin.co.uk/p/swann-outbackcam-n53kg I have two of these cameras and they work very well
  12. good luck to you, but moaning at 3 days it took me 3yrs before getting a decent permission, and Im a pestie
  13. nothing wrong with canada geese, I think they taste great
  14. just to add my two pennies worth, if you have rats running through your flower beds and can therefore see pathways that they use over and over again, get some fenn traps, scrape away dirt that is on the rat pathway, lay trap in the hollow and lightly cover over with soil, you don't need bait, it's obvious they wont touch it anyway with the amount of maccy D's laying around, the traps will catch as the rats run along the pathways, to keep within the law you'll need to place artificial tunnels over the traps, I use 2"x2" mesh bent into a tunnel, have either an air rifle or lump of wood handy to
  15. Do you not have to be steady about the covenants on some if those places mate?......that wood for sale mob retain the sporting and timber rights I think? the one your thinking of do, which Is why I didn't buy through them. but with this site http://www.woods4sale.co.uk/index.htm the sporting rights come with the land, but...... have had my plot just over a year now, have caught four squirrels in the kania traps, but as yet, have not done any shooting there, when you own a plot of woodland, theres so many other jobs to do, that shooting gets forgotten about, and when not working,
  16. buy yourself some woodland, it's what I did,
  17. use photobucket daily, no problems, are you using google chrome?
  18. hate to tell you this, but you wont cut much with that, some feckers nicked your chain
  19. as with all new members that we see on here, yet another has done as expected, not followed any advice not been on for 10 days not filled out their profile its not the first and it wont be the last
  20. dont try pushing ferrets into pipes, as that will make him push away and then not want to down rabbit holes as he will associate warrens with pipes, ferrets playing in pipes should be a fun time for them, how big is the cage, ??? you should set it up so he can access the pipes anytime, get used to them in his own time,
  21. this country is too much of a wrap them up in cotton wool place now once upon a time, if your parents found out your were in trouble with pc plod, teachers etc, you'd get another hiding, we all know kids bend the truth, trouble is a few parents nowdays believe their little angels would never do anything naughty, bring back the cane/slipper, and cupboards under the stairs to lock them up in only thing it ever taught me was respect for elders, and don't get caught
  22. I'd suggest re writing your wanted advert, as reading between the lines
  23. I like to fart, and then say "can you smell pop corn" so people nearby have a good sniff,lol
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