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Everything posted by stubby

  1. have two, permantly set in the garden
  2. a picture of a true BEW, will look no different than a picture of a MOULTED OUT silver, thats why they get mistaken for one and the same. a ferret,is a ferret, colours dont come into "how good" they work
  3. as above, then simply go to www.petmeds.co.uk one of our dogs was on metacam oral suspension at £48 per 100ml from vets petmeds sell it at £26.25 per 180ml
  4. don't know if things have changed since I ordered from them around a year ago, but you can have the parcel marked as a "birthday gift" when filling in the order form, as no duties are paid on items that are gifts, even though its to yourself, I had mine marked "happy birthday from dad"
  5. remember, mk3's can go a bit nuts, if too near your mobile phone, not always, but sometimes
  6. I always use a water based preserve, and just make sure its dry before putting ferts in
  7. it really is down to your ferts, you'll get both yes and no answers here, but as already stated, all ferts are different I have two intact hobs and one vesectamised hob, that live together all year round, no fighting what-so-ever,
  8. I would have thought making the holes bigger, would increase the noise, due to movement of the spinning rod, either try a plastic sleeve of some description, or grease, or just hum loudly
  9. do you have a shotgun?, or thinking of applying for that in the future? when I got my shotgun cert, I installed an FAC cabinet (lockable top box) in case I ever applied for an FAC, which I did the following year. you could simply apply for your FAC, wait untill you get your interview, then explain your reasons for not having it fitted on his visit, it shouldent hurt your application, but will just take longer
  10. have seen a few adverts on tv lately, abouts knock out pills for cats and dogs on firework night, cant remember the name of them though
  11. depends on the ground, ours is pretty laid back, and a few of us use auto's, just load 2 carts in, instead of 3 but posher clubs might frown on it, try asking first
  12. go for a biakal mate cheap hard wearing good gun built to last do the job. check this out concerning baikal, you'll just need the 2+1 version http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--GbVKwDfNU&feature=player_embedded
  13. so really, although she may have a "soft spot" for foxes, she really has no idea about foxes or wildlife in general, she "loves them" but don't want the problem in her garden (the foxes terrortory) so she'd rather an animal organization, trap it and remove it alive into an unknown area and release it seems she and them would be more inhumaine than us pest controllers that work within the law,and legally dispatch, rather than causing distress to a wild animal and breaking a few laws to boot
  14. looks good mate, always good to see plenty of space for the ferts, I would however fix some mesh to the sides of those high level ramps, as although ferts are good climbers, a fall from such height could see some serious damage, and high vets bills, or even death just my opinion mind
  15. rather than a "proffessional fox man", think you mean "proffessional pest controller" although the fox could be shot in situ so to speak, by a pestie with an open ticket specifiying pest control, still far better to cage trap it, then humanely dispatch on site. and as pesties go, they'd want payment for it, far to much time and hassel to do it for free
  16. stubby

    Car stero

    screwdriver and big hammer
  17. you make your lass sleep on paper mine sleeps under a duvet
  18. 39yrs, oh sorry, thats the wife
  19. I'll buy whatever it was
  20. I read that article too, and Im sure I remember the person writing the story says at the end, that its too over priced
  21. good truthful story mate, nice pics too, not the one of your arse though
  22. all those that left a reply, saying a cabinet is needed before a license will be issued, are talking BOLLOXS I did apply for mine, before BUYING a cabinet, and had my visit, before BUYING a cabinet, and had the license on my door mat, yes, before BUYING a cabinet, with the instruction from my FAO, that once the cabinet was bought and installed, and a shotgun purchased, he would then pop back to check...
  23. you keep harping on about our jobs we moderate for free,we do have other things to do with our lives, rather than sit watching some muppets chat
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