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Everything posted by stubby

  1. you'd be better off taking the time to fill in your profile page with as much info as possible, inc photo's, then prehaps reply to some posts so members get to know you, you'll understand we get wanted post's like your one put up on a daily basis, your falls short in as much as its your first post, rather than contributing to the site first, ie, new members section, guns etc, general chat, you'll understand, at the moment your just a screen name sitting behind a computer, with no one knowing you from adam, would you introduce someone like that into your shooting permissions
  2. Id go for the bigger of the two, although in your mind, you think you'll only every have one gun, that tends to change once guns start coming along, my FAC cabinet only just holds the 12,410 and my rimmy, sometimes wish I had bigger plus with the breakdown cabinet, you may be prone to leave putting the gun away if you need to dismantle it, when your off out the next day?
  3. why had you seen worms in her stool's
  4. no you dont need a valid reason aslong as your on permision which is what Ive said at the beginning of my post, if you can read
  5. stubby


    makes me laugh that its the mods as normal that get the flak on these type of posts, admin step in and its taken as gospel, I never go into chat, as my memories of it were a bunch of time wasters, but Ive been told its better now its donator only, and for everyones info that wants to moan at a certain lady mod, it was ONLY CERTAIN MODS, that voted to keep chat here, everyone else wanted it gone as it was to much hassel, so those mods should be praised rather than slated
  6. yes, on private land which you hold permission, catching one in the local park and taking it home to kill, apart from being illegal, my question would be why?????? pests cannot be killed just for the sake of your satisfaction, you need a valid reason to dispatch/trap any animal, it sounds like you don't have a valid reason
  7. get yourself a set of tick pullers I presume the vets sold you a can of frontline, did they show you about spraying on latex gloves your wearing, then massaging into the ferrets coat? doing this will shift the majority of ticks, those around the ears/eyes can be dabbed with a cotton bud,sprayed with frontline, a day or two and they should be clear, dont forget to thoughly clean hutches and or courts of all bedding,woodchip otherwise they will survive and just get back on board
  8. were you using shot crows on the magnet, or do you have hyperflap type crow deeks
  9. cheers,lol, just looked at mine, guess what name they have on them
  10. bait has to be rotting to pull them in, smellier the better, I normally catch with half a rabbit thats at least 2 weeks old, I normal just shuffle the traps into the dirt, they still have mesh floor showing sometimes, but still catch, of course the chicken behind the cage, was let out after the fox was dispatched
  11. never heard of a fenn mole trap, pictures?? easiest to set would be scissor traps, or talpex, then barrels
  12. what makes any of this ok to put up on an open forum, weather it was sent to someone or not, most decent people would have left it there, but to get joy from slatting a member off, is making you all look like very little men, boys even, hopefully bans will be given over this one
  13. funnily enough, the 2 jills used are my best workers, they have bolted 100's of rabbits for me, it was just on this occassion, either the rabbits were giving them the run around, or they jills couldent find them, who knows what goes on underground, but on this occassion, ted came up trumps as always,
  14. just reading through the replies, your getting more saying "too big" or "kill underground" etc for your own peace of mind, and your ferts, get out and try them, I know you aint got a locator, which is why I said in my earlier post, find a small warren, 5 or 6 holes I had a customer complaining of rabbits in his walled garden, above ground signs made the warren look empty, put two yes TWO jills in, let them run through every hole and NOTHING,did this quite a few times to be sure, just before walking to the next part, I thought Id let "ted" have a run through, as it was rather a hot day, an
  15. did you have your mobile phone in your pocket by any chance
  16. I have a couple of ferts that size, although they are alot older, they bolt rabbits lovely and don't kill underground, its always great to ask advice, but take every answer with a pinch of salt, ALL FERTS ARE DIFFERENT, take yours out, try them on small warrens and see for yourself, what your ferts are capable of, rather than limiting them to a life stuck in a cage, just because someone told you they were too big and would kill under also, sounds like your feeding them way too many treats, more like fluffy pet ferret keepers, they can be workers, and still be pets, stop the "liver pate" a
  17. ferrets come into season, when the days start getting longer, so as wer've only just put the clocks back, you have plenty of time left, as for your hobs, only you can tell, all ferts are different, I have one hob that needs to be kept seperate due to fighting, yet another three that live happily together all year round, so you'll be able to tell yourself by the time they come into season next year
  18. all ferts differ, I have a massive hob that kills under, then moves on, you just need to mark each spot with a stick, then when he's out, dig each mark to a dead rabbit, can only be done with a locator of course
  19. how many sections of the forum are you going to post the same topic on
  20. normally just getting to bed around 5pm after night work
  21. don't throw the sloes away after decanting, pour melted chocolate over them, yum,yum
  22. stubby


    Ill have 20, can you get them here by saturday
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