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Everything posted by stubby

  1. buy what you can afford, I have the standard plastic shells on bouncy sticks, yes flocked are better, but plastic still work, sometimes a little shiney when rained on, also get yourself a packet of BBQ skewers, as you shoot pigeons, simply add them into your decoy pattern, stick into the ground and head pushed onto stick, dead birds displayed correctly, bring them in better than anything
  2. then you need to check out the BASC website, and check out the do's and don'ts before going out shooting again not only, respect for your quarry, but using the excuse "I did'nt know" will not stand up in a court of law
  3. then look above,CALLIN its a term for an electronic crow decoy,otherwise,he would of used the word CALLING, funnily enough, I don't see any mention of a larson trap in the first post either the difference here, is I was simply trying to educate those who don't know the law, whereas it seems you just want to moan at a mod why is it illegal only god knows, theres lots of stupid laws out there, that contradict each other, we all know that electronic calls get used for things other than photography, but on an OPEN FORUM, its best to cover yourself when admitting to using one, by addin
  4. you forgot to mention that you was only taking pictures, as everyone knows using electronic callers is illegal
  5. simply wait, he'll adjust his bite at some point, then you can quickly pull away, at the end of day, he caught it,not you
  6. I get that too, if you get a fix, let me know... have my scope set at 5.5, if I reduce it, the glare gets better (lower)
  7. your going about it the right way, Id suggest waiting till next year, and picking yourself up a couple of 8 week old jills, as if you get some of this years more grown ones, and get bitten, it'll put you off handling them, then you'll loose interest, so with youngsters, you'll handle them everyday, get you used to them, and them to you, little un's still nip, but it dont hurt like an adult bite that'll also give you plenty of time to get/build hutch, and read up as much info
  8. as already stated, chop off the feet and store them in a dry area, couple months and they be ok
  9. I wouldent even try it on my own, to easy to loose a ferret from the other side
  10. I think this post will see more replies if I move it to the air rifle section, as here its more shotgun related
  11. contradicting quote there a pump hushpower will not be as quite as a single shot, but it will be quiter than an unmodded gun have you tried different shades of filters if they are lamp shy,
  12. pm bignoel on pigeon watch, he did a wicked converstion on his, used a window panel from a transit to seperate front seats and back, Im sure he'll put some pictures up for ya, then he painted it nato green,
  13. Not at night they ain't someone was at the back of the queue when they gave out brains And someone was at the back of the queue when they have out a sense of humor Cheer up you miserable b*****d I was'ent talking bout you but the person saying people are there when walking past......penny drops That would be me, and it was still a joke I know that, and you know that, but reckoned Ideation thought I meant him, lets pick up the rattles and play nicely now,lol
  14. so stop leaving the caps lock on
  15. Not at night they ain't someone was at the back of the queue when they gave out brains And someone was at the back of the queue when they have out a sense of humor Cheer up you miserable b*****d I was'ent talking bout you but the person saying people are there when walking past......penny drops
  16. Not at night they ain't someone was at the back of the queue when they gave out brains
  17. notice you said "dropped A ferret in" meaning just one? Id say, hit it again,take others with you if you only own one ferret, and get 3 or 4 down there, remember rabbits know the warren better than any ferret, and although a single fert will bolt rabbits, Ive always found "panic" works best, drop a few down and rabbits $hite themselves I stated in an earlier post how Id put two jills down a 6 holer and NOTHING!! yet Id then put a big hob down and bolted 3, so the above dos'ent always work
  18. or look out for local roadworks, where do you think all mine came from...
  19. although the above is the correct way, it confusses the crap out of me Id end up throwing the gun at them set your crosshairs at your reqd distance, then simply put loads of targets down towards and away from your position, make a mental noted of where your aiming at each distance
  20. I might have some spare if your ever passing essex
  21. give leeches a ring, he carries them in stock, mate just picked up 100 for £6
  22. they will make a nice rattle as you try to keep quite I prefer to just take out 3 loaded 10 shot mags, with the rest left in the motor
  23. nice write up and pictures john, made even better while listening to the music gotta love old glen
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